65  Adagio


Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 14:00:58 -0700
From: Sergio <sergio@NCINTER.NET>
Subject: Adagio

Adagio is an Italian term that in music means : slow, slowly, leisurely and
with grace. Generally speaking a noun indicative of a slow movement.
In Argentine Tango it refers to a figure done to slow music. Usually it is
started in espejo (mirror). This is to say step to the side (#2 of the
base). 90 degree pivot, man to his left woman to her right to go "en espejo"
mirror. The man extends his right foot forward parallel to the woman's left,
change weight, here the man pivots 90 degrees to his left and indicates to
the lady to lift her right leg around his body (upward pressure with his
right arm), then both look down to the right foot of the man as she slowly
brings her leg down caressing his. This is followed by an ending.
During musicality technique this figure is associated with violins or slow

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