4953  Auto-Pilot Off !


Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 11:42:16 -0700
From: "Igor Polk" <ipolk@virtuar.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Auto-Pilot Off !
To: <mashdot@toshine.net>
Cc: tango-l@mit.edu

"..there are times when I believe that if you rehearse anything enough in a
choreographed sense that you potentially have an "auto-pilot" to fall back

There is a sign of a good actor. He knows how to switch the auto-pilot off.
Acting is not repeating something memorized.
It may looks like that at first when you start get acquainted with theatre,
but it is not even acting.

Acting, I mean a real one, which we call great acting, is establishing a
link, a connection, the same one which you do experience in tango, between
actors on stage and between an actor and the audience. Script is just a
code. Acting then becomes a game, a meditation, an improvisation. The same
goes for dancing. You do not watch WHAT the actors play, but HOW. You are
get involved into the acting.

Great actor may play every time differently, even though words might stay
the same.

Do not get carried away with mediocre performances you may often see,
especially on TV and in movies. But I do not want deepen now into discussion
about modern trends in art and entertainment.

Igor Polk
I came from the background where acting was considered not a profession to
get some bread and butter, but as service to the arts. Some people might see
it differently, but I express here my view, not theirs.

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