1619  To boldly go beyond basics


Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:19:48 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: To boldly go beyond basics

A posting to the tango list mentioned that there is no other comment than tango basics , with no mentions for intermediate and advanced levels.
This levels are very difficult to be labeled, considering tango as a social dancing , as I think is one of the purposes of this list : to discuss aspects of tango as social dancing.
Social dancing means to myself, to go to dance regularly to different places/milongas, trying to improve navigation skills and a proper behaviour toward the other people that is sharing the space of the dance floor.
How to boldly go beyond basics ?? Maybe trying to keep humbleness , a regular practice at a school with a regular teacher , and being curious .

When I mean a regular practice with a regular teacher , I mean two times a week, the same teacher , always, provided the teacher is a good one , reliable, honest and specially , regular. Not leaving the class for three weeks with an advanced student , since he/she got a contract abroad, or has to rehearse for a new show, or is hosting an international event that demand all their attention.

I have taken lessons with many renowned dancers . Not all of them are good teachers . One thing is to show how to do a step , another thing is to leave the attendants after the workshop is ended with an improvement in his/her posture, breathing and many subtle aspects that are really important for a social dancer . To use inmediately a new step ?? Forget it , do not loose your time . It is you body that make the final decision , you can take a private lesson with the best teacher, but until your body understand the how and when , you may be struggling forever.

Your teacher has a different body than yourself. He/she is thin, fat, old, young, athletic, overweighted or not, but in the end , is a professional dancer. What you see him/her doing, is not what you get , unless your body has been cloned from him/her.

Besides, He/she expects to receive money for his/her time , and this is not your case as student, unless you are decided also to be a professional dancer, which is not what are we talking in this list. We are talking of social dancing.

To qualify as Intermediate and advanced student , I suppose you have to show to your teacher at least that you are walking with the music , that you are able to stop with your dancing partner , and make syncronized movements with grace , that your lead is understood silently or you following is accurate , and so on. Also that you can dance at a crowded place without hitting everybody , or doing show boat , killer elbows and all the amenities that you can see at a milonga , at least here in Buenos Aires.OItherwise you are not honest with yourself, your partner and your teacher.

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi

Usuario: yahoo; contraseqa: yahoo
Desde Buenos Aires: 4004-1010
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