1541  Breathing in the City of Good Airs (BsAs)


Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 11:17:51 -0600
From: Brian Dunn <Brian@DANCEOFTHEHEART.COM>
Subject: Breathing in the City of Good Airs (BsAs)

Dear list,

I read with interest and empathy Rick McG's story of his breathing
difficulties and Steve Hoffman's medically informative response.

After my partner and I returned from our month-long trip in March and April
(coinciding almost exactly with the start and "end" of Gulf War II), Deb had
lost her voice completely, and both of us had deep-chest
cough/colds/whatever. I went through two clearly identifiable colds since
my return, but I have retained to this day a
very-mild-to-occasionally-severe bronchial-spasm sort of cough which I never
had prior to this trip. I THINK it's getting better, but maybe I'm deluding
myself. This was my third trip to BsAs, but the first since 1999. We spent
far more time in milongas on this trip than in previous trips, and spent far
more time in the streets in general. But we never left the Capital Federal

If we visit again, we would make it a point to go somewhere every other day
or so to get REALLY Good Airs - like taking a ride across the river by
hyfrofoil to Uruguay, a day's train trip to the Tigre delta area, or some
time in the countryside. Young Argentines we got to know were shocked that
we missed an opportunity with them to breath freely on a day trip to Tigre.
At the very least, I'd fulfill my failed resolution from this last trip to
go running ocassionally in the large riverside Ecological Park near the port
- if the wind is right, you probably have the cleanest air available near
downtown. It was created from harbor dredgings in the recent past, and can
be relatively easily accessed from the San Telmo/La Boca corner of town.

Breathing deeply again in the Rockies,

Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado USA

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