4764  Childish...


Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:12:09 -0800
From: "Sean Dockery" <sean13@myrealbox.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Childish...
To: tango-l@mit.edu

All you have to do is bring up the word 'Alternative' and all hell brakes lose... if you people were face to face would you talk to each other like this. If we as people of the world don't want to hate and kill everybody, we need to accept differences, if we cannot do this in tango, how can we do it in life.

it seems to me that people dance Argentine Tango in many different ways in many different places. "alternative" or "nueve" is certainly not an USA construct, as can be easily seen if you go to certain venues in BsAs or Europe. As a friend of mine and well known "close-embrace" style instructor said to me the other day, he simply votes with his dollars, if he doesn't like the music or the dancers at a venue, he doesn't go. He doesn't get heartburn over what they do or what they call it, he just goes else where...

Anyway, I know I'm supposed to know how to do this, but I haven't written to tango L in so long. Could somebody please tell me how to get off of this list, i cannot take it anymore. I'd rather be dancing...

Thank you,

Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:47:55 -0800
From: m i l e s <miles@tangobliss.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Childish...
To: tango-l@mit.edu


Right on baby....right on.

M i l e s.

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