4950  Clarification about what is performance dancing as


Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 15:57:49 -0700
From: "Igor Polk" <ipolk@virtuar.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Clarification about what is performance dancing as
an art form

Clarification about what is performance dancing as an art form.

In our times with shameless advertisement which emphasizes things popping
into the eyes of people who do not really want to see them, there is a
misunderstanding of "show" as something splashy and loud which reminds about

No. This is not culture. This is Pop-culture. This is TV-culture. This is

A real peace of art, including dancing on stage is far from it. It is the
real thing. Audience, especially experienced audience is able to recognize
where is the real art - with emotions, feeling, tactile feeling if you wish,
movement from the heart and bones is, and where the false is.

I am talking about real art. Not something which just looks like art.
Real art does not have to be loud. It can whisper.

In tango especially it is true. It is impossible to imitate real Argentine
Tango dancing. The example of imitators we can see around - they do not move
high. I am sure that most of the tango couples on stage can experience all
the pleasures you experience on the part-dance floor. We feel it when we see
the good show. Otherwise it is a bad show, and I am not talking about bad
art. I am talking about good art. For a master there is no problem to show
their internal emotions making them larger or louder - they are internally,
technically correct, the same like you struggle to obtain at a tango lesson,
look for to experience at a milonga.

Dancers on stage do experience pleasure of dancing. That is why most of them
do it.
Dancing is dancing. Well, as in a real life, a job can be boring, but I
believe you know, can easy recognize when performers: dancers, actors
experience feelings in what they do and when they do not. It is called a
good performance and just performance. I am talking about good performance
which we all are looking for.



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