3888  Daniel Today


Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 22:40:49 -0700
From: "Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <patangos@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Daniel Today

Hello listeros,

Trini here. As someone who has danced with Daniel and
studied with him, I can tell you that Daniel knows
tango. And he knows how to teach it.

We had Daniel here in March, and everyone was thrilled
with him. Several good dancers who have attended
every workshop weekend in the past several years
thought that he was the best teacher of anyone that
had been brought into Pittsburgh. And there have been
some very talented and well-known teachers here.

As for dancing with him? He is an excellent listener
who made me feel like I could do anything. It was a
great and deep conversation. After our improvised
demo together, I got so many comments about how
professional it looked, whether we rehearsed, how they
had not seen me dance that well before. Isnt that
what a milonguero is supposed to do? Make his partner
look and feel great?

Trini de Pittsburgh


Sean here. Before I met Daniel, my friends who were
trying to teach me tango had pretty much given up hope
for me. I was the classic tango "basket case". Daniel
was my first real tango teacher. I still study from
him every chance I get, and he remains a major
influence on my individual style. Over the years, he
has taught me many things, but the most important is
how to dance with a woman, instead of using her as a
prop for empty step patterns.

About 5 years ago he taught a series of workshops
called "Heart-to-Heart". I still use those ideas all
the time. And that was before "Estilo del Centro".
BTW, it is no secret to experienced dancers that
"Estilo del Centro" is a marketing gimmick. We know he
is teaching Estilo del Lapadula. But it seems that
North Americans respond well to marketing gimmicks. If
it helps build a better community, who will
legitimately complain?

I was at ValenTango this February, and I was duly
amazed by the level of some of the dancers and
teachers there. You might call them the Varsity
Lettermen of the US tango scene. I saw Daniel two
weeks later, still giddy from my Portland experience.
If you will accept that the cream of the Portland
festival is our Varsity team, then Daniel is all-Pro.
As I was watching Daniel dance, I clearly remember
thinking "This is where those guys are heading, if
they can keep it up for another decade."

I once made a comment on this list that this is a peer
group sharing ideas, and that there are no experts
imparting free wisdom here. But Daniel is an exception
to that rule. Perhaps it is a testament to his
generosity that he freely shares expert knowledge
where many others would be trying to make a quick

Sean de Pittsburgh

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.

Yahoo! Music Unlimited
Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:38:02 -0500
From: Pedro Saenz <pedrosaenztango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc


Compare Daniel Lapadula with a milonguero means you have never seen a authentic milonguero. Come to Buenos Aires and try to don't go to the "for export" milongas in the downtown. Check the authentic milongueros.

Daniel might be a good teacher... of his product, but that doesnt means he is teaching authentic tango.

Unfortunately, some americans (not all of them!) only buy products, and the worst is, they will buy the products for the packaging. You are going to pay a fortune for a piece of crap in a very nice packaging, but you never would pay for a piece of gold in a old fashioned and worn envelope.
Nobody wants to research anything anymore, nobody wants to see and know the truth. If the nice packaging fills the needs, it is fine. Why are we going to ckeck it?
It is sad the lack of culture the world has today.The only thing matters is fill the fantasy, and there is a lot of fantasies behind tango.
A smart person can take advantage of the less smart ones and produce a product which fills the people needs, specially women's. Tango is "love, passion, intimacy, seduction and sexy, bla, bla, bla" are the most worn out terms to sell the product. "Heart to Heart"?. This is a really good one!. None of them, has something to do with tango, but If you add some acting and constipated faces, you got the perfect product!

Sean, I can figure out what kind of products you had in your town. Susana Miller?, Gavito? Cacho Dante?, Robin Thomas?. Is that your concept of "milonguero"?. You need to show to your community something true. I hope in future you will do that.

Unfortunately most of the americans (I insist, not all of them) are not able to know authentic milongueros because of the Visa issue to go to the states, cost of the trip and also because they might ruin the "market" showing the truth of tango. And also, If you had them, you wont be able to understand them because they dont know how to teach. (The packaging...)

The Daniel's goals: To have American Visa, money to travel, to have done a good deal with SoloTango TV channel selling his soul, and a charming personality and smile (Only when it is convenient for him). Very smart guy...

But, there is not a problem with Daniel because he is making a good bussiness. I congratulate him. I know people won't be stupid forever. No problem with that.

What is wrong, and VERY unproffesional from him is to criticize (or join to the critique) against another proffessional, specially beause the other proffessionals are young, or may be because the kids are not argentineans. (Is Lapadula jealous because a non-argentinean young dancer is more elegant, slim, fast and precise than him?. Does he want to "erase" all competitors in USA?). Who knows!. This kids are doing their best (very good for their age). How old is the kid? 18, 19?. How much tango was dancing Lapadula at that age?. How much did he know about tango history at that age?. I have a video from 8 years ago where Daniel is dancing in a show in USA (he drops his partner twice). I use to watch this video with my friends to laugh about it. He knew nothing about tango.
How will these kids be dancing at Lapadula's actual age?. I am sure, much better, so far. I would love that some one like them be the future of tango, because they do with love. Time will tell.
Then, you might like this kids or not. But this kids don't deserve such a comment from proffesional dancer like Daniel. Daniel was the only proffesional and the first (since i am reading this list) who have criticized another professional. Daniel should be encouraging young couple, Instead to be criticizing them. This is unproffesional behavior. Daniel MUST appologize to Anton and Natalie.

We can forgive Lucia, because she is ignorant and is not her fault. Argentinean bad teachers traveling around the world, and who have failed in their original dances (folk, modern, ballet, jazz, flamenco, streap tease?) are responsable of this tremendous confussion. They got into tango only for bussines. They spread everywhere bad information with a nice smile in the face. They created the confussion to get advantage of it and they will block any one who wants to show the truth, specially authentic milongueros.

People has the right to live into a "fantasy" world and pay whatever they want for that, but also there is people who has the right to know the truth, specially the new ones. They dont deserve to be cheated with bad information to take their money from their pockets with a bunch of lies. It is not fair.

Unfortunatelly real Tango is almost dead (despite is in everyplace of the wold). Argentineans are the killers, because they don't care about culture, history anymore. They want to make money of it, to escape from the economical situation by raping the tango. But, the rest... are the "complices" of this assesination, because they only want a "nice packaging".

Keep tangoing (if you can...)

"Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <patangos@YAHOO.COM> escribis:
Hello listeros,

Trini here. As someone who has danced with Daniel and
studied with him, I can tell you that Daniel knows
tango. And he knows how to teach it.

We had Daniel here in March, and everyone was thrilled
with him. Several good dancers who have attended
every workshop weekend in the past several years
thought that he was the best teacher of anyone that
had been brought into Pittsburgh. And there have been
some very talented and well-known teachers here.

As for dancing with him? He is an excellent listener
who made me feel like I could do anything. It was a
great and deep conversation. After our improvised
demo together, I got so many comments about how
professional it looked, whether we rehearsed, how they
had not seen me dance that well before. Isnt that
what a milonguero is supposed to do? Make his partner
look and feel great?

Trini de Pittsburgh


Sean here. Before I met Daniel, my friends who were
trying to teach me tango had pretty much given up hope
for me. I was the classic tango "basket case". Daniel
was my first real tango teacher. I still study from
him every chance I get, and he remains a major
influence on my individual style. Over the years, he
has taught me many things, but the most important is
how to dance with a woman, instead of using her as a
prop for empty step patterns.

About 5 years ago he taught a series of workshops
called "Heart-to-Heart". I still use those ideas all
the time. And that was before "Estilo del Centro".
BTW, it is no secret to experienced dancers that
"Estilo del Centro" is a marketing gimmick. We know he
is teaching Estilo del Lapadula. But it seems that
North Americans respond well to marketing gimmicks. If
it helps build a better community, who will
legitimately complain?

I was at ValenTango this February, and I was duly
amazed by the level of some of the dancers and
teachers there. You might call them the Varsity
Lettermen of the US tango scene. I saw Daniel two
weeks later, still giddy from my Portland experience.
If you will accept that the cream of the Portland
festival is our Varsity team, then Daniel is all-Pro.
As I was watching Daniel dance, I clearly remember
thinking "This is where those guys are heading, if
they can keep it up for another decade."

I once made a comment on this list that this is a peer
group sharing ideas, and that there are no experts
imparting free wisdom here. But Daniel is an exception
to that rule. Perhaps it is a testament to his
generosity that he freely shares expert knowledge
where many others would be trying to make a quick

Sean de Pittsburgh

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.

Yahoo! Music Unlimited
Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:47:34 -0400
From: seth <s1redh@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Senor Saenz,

After all the gunpowder smoke clears, would you please be so kind, settle
the confusion and tell us, clearly, what bothers you?
On one hand you shoot down everyone in sight, complain that no one dances
"authentic" tango anymore, then proceed to shower praise on stage dancers
performing at a commercial Tango Festival which, by the way, has been
heavily promoted in the US.



PS I liked the manly way you put that woman, Lucia, in her place. It almost
convinced me that you are a true, dyed-in-the wood Tanguero of yore.

On 10/20/05, Pedro Saenz <pedrosaenztango@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Trini,
> Compare Daniel Lapadula with a milonguero means you have never seen a
> authentic milonguero. Come to Buenos Aires and try to don't go to the "for
> export" milongas in the downtown. Check the authentic milongueros.
> Sean:
> Daniel might be a good teacher... of his product, but that doesnt means he
> is teaching authentic tango.
> Unfortunately, some americans (not all of them!) only buy products, and
> the worst is, they will buy the products for the packaging. You are going to
> pay a fortune for a piece of crap in a very nice packaging, but you never
> would pay for a piece of gold in a old fashioned and worn envelope.
> Nobody wants to research anything anymore, nobody wants to see and know
> the truth. If the nice packaging fills the needs, it is fine. Why are we
> going to ckeck it?
> It is sad the lack of culture the world has today.The only thing matters
> is fill the fantasy, and there is a lot of fantasies behind tango.
> A smart person can take advantage of the less smart ones and produce a
> product which fills the people needs, specially women's. Tango is "love,
> passion, intimacy, seduction and sexy, bla, bla, bla" are the most worn out
> terms to sell the product. "Heart to Heart"?. This is a really good one!.
> None of them, has something to do with tango, but If you add some acting and
> constipated faces, you got the perfect product!
> Sean, I can figure out what kind of products you had in your town. Susana
> Miller?, Gavito? Cacho Dante?, Robin Thomas?. Is that your concept of
> "milonguero"?. You need to show to your community something true. I hope in
> future you will do that.
> Unfortunately most of the americans (I insist, not all of them) are not
> able to know authentic milongueros because of the Visa issue to go to the
> states, cost of the trip and also because they might ruin the "market"
> showing the truth of tango. And also, If you had them, you wont be able to
> understand them because they dont know how to teach. (The packaging...)
> The Daniel's goals: To have American Visa, money to travel, to have done a
> good deal with SoloTango TV channel selling his soul, and a charming
> personality and smile (Only when it is convenient for him). Very smart
> guy...
> But, there is not a problem with Daniel because he is making a good
> bussiness. I congratulate him. I know people won't be stupid forever. No
> problem with that.
> What is wrong, and VERY unproffesional from him is to criticize (or join
> to the critique) against another proffessional, specially beause the other
> proffessionals are young, or may be because the kids are not argentineans.
> (Is Lapadula jealous because a non-argentinean young dancer is more elegant,
> slim, fast and precise than him?. Does he want to "erase" all competitors in
> USA?). Who knows!. This kids are doing their best (very good for their age).
> How old is the kid? 18, 19?. How much tango was dancing Lapadula at that
> age?. How much did he know about tango history at that age?. I have a video
> from 8 years ago where Daniel is dancing in a show in USA (he drops his
> partner twice). I use to watch this video with my friends to laugh about it.
> He knew nothing about tango.
> How will these kids be dancing at Lapadula's actual age?. I am sure, much
> better, so far. I would love that some one like them be the future of tango,
> because they do with love. Time will tell.
> Then, you might like this kids or not. But this kids don't deserve such a
> comment from proffesional dancer like Daniel. Daniel was the only
> proffesional and the first (since i am reading this list) who have
> criticized another professional. Daniel should be encouraging young couple,
> Instead to be criticizing them. This is unproffesional behavior. Daniel MUST
> appologize to Anton and Natalie.
> We can forgive Lucia, because she is ignorant and is not her fault.
> Argentinean bad teachers traveling around the world, and who have failed in
> their original dances (folk, modern, ballet, jazz, flamenco, streap tease?)
> are responsable of this tremendous confussion. They got into tango only for
> bussines. They spread everywhere bad information with a nice smile in the
> face. They created the confussion to get advantage of it and they will block
> any one who wants to show the truth, specially authentic milongueros.
> People has the right to live into a "fantasy" world and pay whatever they
> want for that, but also there is people who has the right to know the truth,
> specially the new ones. They dont deserve to be cheated with bad information
> to take their money from their pockets with a bunch of lies. It is not fair.
> Unfortunatelly real Tango is almost dead (despite is in everyplace of the
> wold). Argentineans are the killers, because they don't care about culture,
> history anymore. They want to make money of it, to escape from the
> economical situation by raping the tango. But, the rest... are the
> "complices" of this assesination, because they only want a "nice packaging".
> Keep tangoing (if you can...)

Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 14:59:41 -0500
From: "Christopher L. Everett" <ceverett@CEVERETT.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Pedro Saenz wrote:

> Sean, I can figure out what kind of products you had in your town. Susana Miller?, Gavito? Cacho Dante?, Robin Thomas?. Is that your concept of "milonguero"?. You need to show to your community something true. I hope in future you will do that.

Gavito is dead. Didn't your parents teach you to not speak ill of the

> Unfortunately most of the americans (I insist, not all of them) are not able to know authentic milongueros because of the Visa issue to go to the states, cost of the trip and also because they might ruin the "market" showing the truth of tango. And also, If you had them, you wont be able to understand them because they dont know how to teach. (The packaging...)

Part of teaching tango is having the material organized in a way that
you can communicate to your students. It's fair enough to call that
"packaging", but that makes every sentence everyone speaks about tango
into "packaging".

It's a shame that these milongueros never learned to teach what they
know, but that was their decision not ours. Then again if they never
bothered to learn teaching, that begs the question of why?

> What is wrong, and VERY unproffesional from him is to criticize (or join to the critique) against another proffessional,

Susanna Miller, Chacho Dante and Robin Thomas are all professionals,
and moreover very hard working people from what I can see. I assume
you aren't speaking as a professional when you criticize them for not
representing the Milongueros properly. However, if you aren't speaking
as a professional on this matter, why should we take you seriously? :)

No matter. As teachers, they are creating the future of Tango, because
they actually communicate what they know about tango. If you take issue
with that, then you need to get out there with your own "packaging",
otherwise your notion of tango will be lost in the mists of time.

Christopher L. Everett

Chief Technology Officer www.medbanner.com
MedBanner, Inc. www.physemp.com

Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 13:29:33 -0700
From: Yale Tango Club <yaletangoclub@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Hey all,

I scanned through the ramblings until I hit on Mr. Saenz's word choice:
"constipated faces" which I thought was absolutely priceless! Hahaha!
If there is no objection I think I'll save that one for a good crowd response at an appropriate moment during class.

In any case, I would like to know where I can get a genuine, authentic, real, live, true milonguero. You know, the kind of milonguero who everybody agrees does everything just right, and nobody can argue with his perfection. Is there a single one we can all agree on?
This is a rhetorical question. Don't email me.
It's probably like with religions.


seth <s1redh@GMAIL.COM> wrote:
Senor Saenz,

After all the gunpowder smoke clears, would you please be so kind, settle
the confusion and tell us, clearly, what bothers you?
On one hand you shoot down everyone in sight, complain that no one dances
"authentic" tango anymore, then proceed to shower praise on stage dancers
performing at a commercial Tango Festival which, by the way, has been
heavily promoted in the US.



PS I liked the manly way you put that woman, Lucia, in her place. It almost
convinced me that you are a true, dyed-in-the wood Tanguero of yore.

On 10/20/05, Pedro Saenz

> Trini,
> Compare Daniel Lapadula with a milonguero means you have never seen a
> authentic milonguero. Come to Buenos Aires and try to don't go to the "for
> export" milongas in the downtown. Check the authentic milongueros.
> Sean:
> Daniel might be a good teacher... of his product, but that doesnt means he
> is teaching authentic tango.
> Unfortunately, some americans (not all of them!) only buy products, and
> the worst is, they will buy the products for the packaging. You are going to
> pay a fortune for a piece of crap in a very nice packaging, but you never
> would pay for a piece of gold in a old fashioned and worn envelope.
> Nobody wants to research anything anymore, nobody wants to see and know
> the truth. If the nice packaging fills the needs, it is fine. Why are we
> going to ckeck it?
> It is sad the lack of culture the world has today.The only thing matters
> is fill the fantasy, and there is a lot of fantasies behind tango.
> A smart person can take advantage of the less smart ones and produce a
> product which fills the people needs, specially women's. Tango is "love,
> passion, intimacy, seduction and sexy, bla, bla, bla" are the most worn out
> terms to sell the product. "Heart to Heart"?. This is a really good one!.
> None of them, has something to do with tango, but If you add some acting and
> constipated faces, you got the perfect product!

Tango Club at Yale

Check out our brand new website at www.yaletangoclub.org

To subscribe to our event emails, please email us or visit our website.
To unsubscribe, send us an email, or if you're in a hurry, do it yourself by sending an email to YaleTangoClub-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com. If it doesn't work, just let us know. We're nice people and we really don't want to aggravate anybody. Thanks!

Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 16:14:59 -0700
From: Daniel Lapadula <clubstyletango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Hi Pedro ..and also Juan Bruno: I read your coments and welcome them since are YOUR particular way to see it.
So ,instead of talking on what real milonguero means(wich smell for me as some lady words that I know living here in BA)
I propose something.
The list has about 3,000 dancers,milongueros or tango debotes and during this week I found many of them,some friends ,some students here in BA.
Why don`t you step in after one of my classes at Porteqo and Bailarln or La Ideal and share a table with me with any of your friends ,and then lets females judge who dances more authentic.
I shall say that you can bring your regular partner and I am to dance to any that you point to me in improvisation...Nor my regular partner Dolores because you will think that I do choreography.
That shall be a good night for most of the readers of Tango-L and loocky ones to be in BA and see you both perform the real milonguero on the floor.I also will admire it to be honest.
The challenge is on the table and an really friendly way.You have the right to show this people that read your post that I am a facke one and you the truth.
Tuesday or Thursday should be the dates since many of the list come to my clases when they are in BA:
PS:Do not worry ,tell Jose Garofalo at Porteqo or Gustavo at Ideal that yourh my guess,on the Champagne also.
I hope that you don`t mind if I invited the ones as perhaps Belsito to see us....He is one of the ones that I consider milongueros.
Waiting for your reply.
My best regards.
Daniel(ex-strepper)...Kind of old to start again

Pedro Saenz <pedrosaenztango@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

Compare Daniel Lapadula with a milonguero means you have never seen a authentic milonguero. Come to Buenos Aires and try to don't go to the "for export" milongas in the downtown. Check the authentic milongueros.

Daniel might be a good teacher... of his product, but that doesnt means he is teaching authentic tango.

Unfortunately, some americans (not all of them!) only buy products, and the worst is, they will buy the products for the packaging. You are going to pay a fortune for a piece of crap in a very nice packaging, but you never would pay for a piece of gold in a old fashioned and worn envelope.
Nobody wants to research anything anymore, nobody wants to see and know the truth. If the nice packaging fills the needs, it is fine. Why are we going to ckeck it?
It is sad the lack of culture the world has today.The only thing matters is fill the fantasy, and there is a lot of fantasies behind tango.
A smart person can take advantage of the less smart ones and produce a product which fills the people needs, specially women's. Tango is "love, passion, intimacy, seduction and sexy, bla, bla, bla" are the most worn out terms to sell the product. "Heart to Heart"?. This is a really good one!. None of them, has something to do with tango, but If you add some acting and constipated faces, you got the perfect product!

Sean, I can figure out what kind of products you had in your town. Susana Miller?, Gavito? Cacho Dante?, Robin Thomas?. Is that your concept of "milonguero"?. You need to show to your community something true. I hope in future you will do that.

Unfortunately most of the americans (I insist, not all of them) are not able to know authentic milongueros because of the Visa issue to go to the states, cost of the trip and also because they might ruin the "market" showing the truth of tango. And also, If you had them, you wont be able to understand them because they dont know how to teach. (The packaging...)

The Daniel's goals: To have American Visa, money to travel, to have done a good deal with SoloTango TV channel selling his soul, and a charming personality and smile (Only when it is convenient for him). Very smart guy...

But, there is not a problem with Daniel because he is making a good bussiness. I congratulate him. I know people won't be stupid forever. No problem with that.

What is wrong, and VERY unproffesional from him is to criticize (or join to the critique) against another proffessional, specially beause the other proffessionals are young, or may be because the kids are not argentineans. (Is Lapadula jealous because a non-argentinean young dancer is more elegant, slim, fast and precise than him?. Does he want to "erase" all competitors in USA?). Who knows!. This kids are doing their best (very good for their age). How old is the kid? 18, 19?. How much tango was dancing Lapadula at that age?. How much did he know about tango history at that age?. I have a video from 8 years ago where Daniel is dancing in a show in USA (he drops his partner twice). I use to watch this video with my friends to laugh about it. He knew nothing about tango.
How will these kids be dancing at Lapadula's actual age?. I am sure, much better, so far. I would love that some one like them be the future of tango, because they do with love. Time will tell.
Then, you might like this kids or not. But this kids don't deserve such a comment from proffesional dancer like Daniel. Daniel was the only proffesional and the first (since i am reading this list) who have criticized another professional. Daniel should be encouraging young couple, Instead to be criticizing them. This is unproffesional behavior. Daniel MUST appologize to Anton and Natalie.

We can forgive Lucia, because she is ignorant and is not her fault. Argentinean bad teachers traveling around the world, and who have failed in their original dances (folk, modern, ballet, jazz, flamenco, streap tease?) are responsable of this tremendous confussion. They got into tango only for bussines. They spread everywhere bad information with a nice smile in the face. They created the confussion to get advantage of it and they will block any one who wants to show the truth, specially authentic milongueros.

People has the right to live into a "fantasy" world and pay whatever they want for that, but also there is people who has the right to know the truth, specially the new ones. They dont deserve to be cheated with bad information to take their money from their pockets with a bunch of lies. It is not fair.

Unfortunatelly real Tango is almost dead (despite is in everyplace of the wold). Argentineans are the killers, because they don't care about culture, history anymore. They want to make money of it, to escape from the economical situation by raping the tango. But, the rest... are the "complices" of this assesination, because they only want a "nice packaging".

Keep tangoing (if you can...)

"Trini y Sean (PATangoS)"
Hello listeros,

Trini here. As someone who has danced with Daniel and
studied with him, I can tell you that Daniel knows
tango. And he knows how to teach it.

We had Daniel here in March, and everyone was thrilled
with him. Several good dancers who have attended
every workshop weekend in the past several years
thought that he was the best teacher of anyone that
had been brought into Pittsburgh. And there have been
some very talented and well-known teachers here.

As for dancing with him? He is an excellent listener
who made me feel like I could do anything. It was a
great and deep conversation. After our improvised
demo together, I got so many comments about how
professional it looked, whether we rehearsed, how they
had not seen me dance that well before. Isnt that
what a milonguero is supposed to do? Make his partner
look and feel great?

Trini de Pittsburgh


Sean here. Before I met Daniel, my friends who were
trying to teach me tango had pretty much given up hope
for me. I was the classic tango "basket case". Daniel
was my first real tango teacher. I still study from
him every chance I get, and he remains a major
influence on my individual style. Over the years, he
has taught me many things, but the most important is
how to dance with a woman, instead of using her as a
prop for empty step patterns.

About 5 years ago he taught a series of workshops
called "Heart-to-Heart". I still use those ideas all
the time. And that was before "Estilo del Centro".
BTW, it is no secret to experienced dancers that
"Estilo del Centro" is a marketing gimmick. We know he
is teaching Estilo del Lapadula. But it seems that
North Americans respond well to marketing gimmicks. If
it helps build a better community, who will
legitimately complain?

I was at ValenTango this February, and I was duly
amazed by the level of some of the dancers and
teachers there. You might call them the Varsity
Lettermen of the US tango scene. I saw Daniel two
weeks later, still giddy from my Portland experience.
If you will accept that the cream of the Portland
festival is our Varsity team, then Daniel is all-Pro.
As I was watching Daniel dance, I clearly remember
thinking "This is where those guys are heading, if
they can keep it up for another decade."

I once made a comment on this list that this is a peer
group sharing ideas, and that there are no experts
imparting free wisdom here. But Daniel is an exception
to that rule. Perhaps it is a testament to his
generosity that he freely shares expert knowledge
where many others would be trying to make a quick

Sean de Pittsburgh

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.

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Daniel Lapadula


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Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 02:11:27 -0400
From: bailadora2000@EXCITE.COM
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc


Are you dancing with Dolores Longo? I think I remember hearing that. If so, she's a beautiful dancer... miss seeing her around here in Miami. I honestly, in all your time here in Miami, have only seen you dance once, and I remember being impressed... who cares what style you are dancing.... you dance YOUR style... which makes a WORLD of difference (see my earlier post on this)

As for being a stripper...well, I'm sure you aren't the first professional dancer that started out doing that. I can't tell you how many times I've thought to do it... pays better than most other forms of dancing (at least for us women). As for those making negative comments about it... I tell them to live the life of a real dancer (not a social dancer - there's a big difference) for a year... you'll surprised what all we've done to survive. Often there are certain sacrifices to live the life of your passion.


Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 03:38:06 -0700
From: Daniel Lapadula <clubstyletango@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Thank you Nicole!
Back in 1978 in Argentina ,in a place called Rugantino....which was the only one with two shows at the same time and in two different stages.I was working in one with the group of Gloria and Eduardo Arquimbau from tango Argentino(at the salon blanco) .And I make a point here for the two ignorants that say that I do not have back round in tango...
And in the other one I used to dance Jazz and modern dances and some adagios ,which is the picture in question in my web.....
I was never a stripper(I wish)You need some kind of....bigger.. attitude:) to do it...which I did not have.
want to check the pic go to my web...there are also some tango pics (as well) were you shall see Dolores.This is not Longo ,which I love and like to dance with.....Is my regular partner Dolores de Amo.
My best for you.
Daniel Lapadula.

Daniel Lapadula


Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 12:13:18 -0700
From: Dolores Longo <madolo@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: clearing up confusion, wronf Dolores (was Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc)

I get the digest version, so maybe this was already

Thank you Nicole for your kind words, but I am
strictly a social dancer and professional
dancing/teaching is not only way out of my league, but
also not a personal goal.

Daniel Lapadula dances with Dolores de Amo.

All the best to everybody in Miami, look forward to
seeing you all during the holiday season.

Dolores Longo

Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 19:07:30 +0300
From: "Aydogan (El Encuentro)" <aydogan@TANGOENCUENTRO.COM>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc


Why do not you discuss this among yourself ? I am sick of people all around
the world tango lists fighting for their personal agendas in front of


Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 16:49:30 +0000
From: Lucia <curvasreales@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Re: Daniel Today / Curvas Reales / etc

Why would you think that the "tango world" is interested in your sickness? You should have sent your complaint, privately, to the posters in the thread.
According to your logic.

What this world does not need is self-appointed censors that smack of old dictators, be it Attaturk or Stalin.

"Aydogan (El Encuentro)" <aydogan@TANGOENCUENTRO.COM> escribis:

Why do not you discuss this among yourself ? I am sick of people all around
the world tango lists fighting for their personal agendas in front of


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