3474  Buffalo Tango


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 00:07:13 -0400
From: Floyd Baker <febaker@OLM1.COM>
Subject: Buffalo Tango

Hello from a Tango Wasteland...

Or maybe we can say it used to be that way? :-/

Last night we held our first Milonga. Complete with wine, pop, cheese
& crackers, chips, etc. Several people showed up and things went
nicely. Actually there were about a dozen all told. Five or six
from an on-going A/T lesson series and a total of six more new people
who came because we advertized a Milonga. It was supposed to be small
in number., as a practice run. But next week we're going for it...

We have re-done our previously abandoned website and it's looking like
a brand new home again... There is more work to do of course, but
most sites have that same problem, eh? We put the original up in
1997 but it was not manned for a lonnng time. We started getting
back into Tango last October... It's difficult, and we've been taking
it slow. The rest of the story is on the site...

I can talk all night on this, but for now the above is enough...

Please give your opinions and suggestions.

Many thanks.


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 00:12:17 -0400
From: Floyd Baker <febaker@OLM1.COM>
Subject: Buffalo Tango

Hello from a Tango Wasteland...

Or maybe we can say it used to be that way? :-/

Last night we held our first Milonga. Complete with wine, pop, cheese
& crackers, chips, etc. Several people showed up and things went
nicely. Actually there were about a dozen all told. Five or six
from an on-going A/T lesson series and a total of six more new people
who came because we advertized a Milonga. It was supposed to be small
in number., as a practice run. But next week we're going for it...

We have re-done our previously abandoned website and it's looking like
a brand new home again... There is more work to do of course, but
most sites have that same problem, eh? We put the original up in
1997 but it was not manned for a lonnng time. We started getting
back into Tango last October... It's difficult, and we've been taking
it slow. The rest of the story is on the site...

I can talk all night on this, but for now the above is enough...

Please give your opinions and suggestions.

Many thanks.


Of course I forgot to put the URL in place... :-)
It's been a long day.


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