Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:09:22 -0500
From: Hugo M Villagra <hugov@JUNO.COM>

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 11:38:50 EST Dario Mendiguren <C21DARI@AOL.COM>

> Arthur, Tango chooses you .. you don't chose Tango, as I
> can see you
> are not part of the chosen yet, but keep dancing with an open
> mind, may
> be some time.......... Tango will approach to you and will give you
> a ch
> ance!!!

Che! veo que a pesar del desastre argentino siguen ustedes con esa
arrogancia porteqa que los hace un poco intolerables.

Deja que el pobre gringo este en su onda.
Y espero que vos junto con los demas argentinos se den cuenta que son
habitantes de otro pais del tercer mundo y no europeos........

baja de la nuve, que el aconcagua no es el monte olimpo!

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Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:07:48 -0800
From: Elemer Dubrovay <dubrovay@JUNO.COM>

No te olvidis que el tango se origins entre la gente pobre y que es un
sentimiento que uno siente cuando lo escucha o lo baila, haciendo pasos
lindos sin ese sentimiento especial o bailarlo como un robot, parece
medio aburrido.

Esa arrogancia porteqa viene de los compadritos,( que originaron el
tango) y que hoy en dia nos dan fama de arrogantes, al cabo de poco
tiempo y al ver de que no mordemos, la gente se acostumbra a nuestro
comportamiento y nos acepta con gusto.

Lo que la mayorma de los bailarines argentinos queremos es hacerle
entender a los extranjeros es como bailar el tango, siguiendo la mzsica y
el sentimiento, que en cada tango es distinto.

Si dejamos a los gringos en su onda, seria como pensar que son inutiles e
incapaces de aprender y que estarma mejor no perder el tiempo

Elemer in Redmond

Hugo M Villagra hugov@JUNO.COM writes


Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:09:22 -0500
Che! veo que a pesar del desastre argentino siguen ustedes con esa
arrogancia porteqa que los hace un poco intolerables.

Deja que el pobre gringo este en su onda.
Y espero que vos junto con los demas argentinos se den cuenta que son
habitantes de otro pais del tercer mundo y no europeos........

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 18:47:03 -0500
From: Dario Mendiguren <C21DARI@AOL.COM>

Hugo is saying in his post to the list, but it was addressed to me, that despite the economical disaster in Argentina we the Argentiniens, keep the porte~o arroncia ,that make us a bit intolerable.

He also ask me to leave this pour gringo (Arthur) immerse in his world (leave him alone)

And also he says, he hopes that me as amuch as all the Argentiniens we realize that we are inhabitants of another Third World country and not europeans......

He also advice me that I should come back from the cloud I'm at, and he reminds me that the Aconcagua (tallest mountain in the Americas sited in the Argentinien Andes) is not The Olimpo (every body knows this one !!)

To Hugo I think that it was inappropiate to post such a message in this list, it's not Tango related, and shows a little hate to the argentines

But I'd like to unswer to your post face to face, better said.... ear to ear you in Miami and I'm in NYC
then just call me and we'll talk about it!

My toll free number is 1 866 444-9349 ext 219

Thank you! Dario

Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 03:35:36 EST
From: Frank Sasson <FRSASSON@AOL.COM>


Has this lovely tango media, become the center for gross haters, egomaniacs
and insulting people?

I remember when I was banned, from posting anything on this list, for much
MUCH less than this. And that ban lasted more than two years,

I was angry at the time, and stopped trying to post on the list, and now I'm
starting to consider coming back with interesting thoughts about
TANGO.....TANGO........., not people, and people insulting other people.

Frank Sasson
Miami, Florida

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 00:46:02 -0500
From: Lisandro Gomez <lisandro.gomez@SYMPATICO.CA>
Subject: Re: A CHE MENDIGUREN !!

Frank Sasson writes:

> Has this lovely tango media, become the center for gross haters,


> and insulting people?

I disagree with censoring. Though people may take exception to what they
read, I do support people for being who they are. As you can see, tango is
not about some unearthly divine nicey-nice experience. It can't be
separated from reality of the people who dance it. And people are as
beautiful as they are ugly. This "tango community" that so many of you
glorify, is chalk full of politics, racism, sexism, just as any group ,
because that is human nature.People ARE hateful, egoist and insulting. Many
people I encounter in tango are really low when it comes to basic values.
Power, control, manipulation, arrogance is played out on the dance
scene.Dancing tango DOESN'T MAKE THEM ANY DIFFERENT. Don't like the ugliness
of people?Stop denying its existance .And stop idealizing a dance. If tango
is life to you, as some of you say, then deal with it. Don't like
something someone wrote, you have the right (and the responsability) to
offer a counter proposal. Personally, I would rather deal with openly
hateful people, rather than really nice manipulative ones.I openly challenge
people, and I think people should be forced to take responsability for whats
in their heads.On a final note, I find that people on this list often avoid
discussing blatant social issues related to tango, and I find this silence
to be more disgusting and difficult to support than peoples' open
aggression. If you think you're civilized because you hide your hatred,
think again.


Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 10:15:03 -0700
From: David Liu <luidisme@IMAP3.ASU.EDU>
Subject: Reply to Lisandro ("A CHE MENDIGUREN")


An interesting post ... I'll bite. Give some examples of "blatant social issues
related to tango".

The only thing I've come across which seems to vaguely relate to such "blatant
social issues" (and do a decent job) is the following inteveriew with Diego
Amorin: https://www.tangonoticias.com/articles/dec_2001_interv.htm

Also, you say, "People ARE hateful, egoist and insulting" -- which is true ...
but people are ALSO loving, compassionate and awe-inspiringly wonderful. Let us
not forget one side of the coin for the other. (Not to suggest that you were
doing so, but rather to emphasize the good with the bad).

David Liu

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:30:00 -0800
From: luda_r1 <luda_r1@YAHOO.COM>

Bravo, Lisandro!! I wish there were more people on the
List who think like you! We're probably both going to
be banned from it, but so what? It's been fun while it
lasted! :))
