3036  Dancing vs. Skating


Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 22:56:34 -0500
From: Michael <tangomaniac@CAVTEL.NET>
Subject: Dancing vs. Skating

I went to buy some holiday cards to mail. The cards have skaters on the cover. It gave me pause. For those on the list who also skate =
(rollerblading, roller or ice skating), do you find that skating and tango are similiar in that your weight has to be forward. Do you move =
the same way?

Just wondering.

Michael Ditkoff
Washington, DC

Three more weeks until New Years Eve in New York
at Dance Manhattan with www.celebratetango.com

Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 12:29:43 -0600
From: Leonard Kunkel <image10@SWBELL.NET>
Subject: Re: Dancing vs. Skating


Interesting question of yours:

For those on the list who also skate (rollerblading, roller or ice skating), do you find that skating and tango are similar in that your weight has to be forward. Do you move the same way?

I am a skater and a snow skier. And I have used the example in my
classes for those that snow ski. There are a lot of similarities to
tango. Being forward in your boots leaning out so that your weight is
over the balls of your feet. A little flex in the knees. Subtle shift of
weight in the turns. Those that ski grasp the tango axis and balance a
lot faster.

I also roller blade. There too are some similarities except I put more
flex in my knees when I am blading than when I dance tango. In tango I
recommend the upper body to be up while the lower body is grounded.
Whereas blading calls for a lower center of gravity. Still you are out
forward. The blading puts more stress on the back than tango and is an
excellent way to strengthen the lower back. But anyone new to blading
should go slow at first. You will definitely feel yourself working
muscles that you may not be used to using. Blading has made any back
strain I had when I first started tango to go away. I can dance for 4
hours and still am the last one off the floor. And even at 58 years I
never tire.

Leonardo K.

Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:07:14 -0500
From: John Gleeson <johngleeson1@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: Dancing vs. Skating

Leonardo K writes:
". . . . . . And even at 58 years I never tire".

Well, I would think not - you're just a young whippersnapper :<)

John G.

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