884  Dos Marias y uno Mariana


Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 00:25:26 -0400
From: Keith Elshaw <keith@TOTANGO.NET>
Subject: Dos Marias y uno Mariana

The woman of tango inspire - over and over.

How hard must it be to lose a partner and have to find a new way?

Seven years ago, Juan Carlos Copes dissolved his partnership with Maria
Nieves. It came to her as a shock after 45 years. She felt she had a right
to be angry; when Carlos Saura begged her repeatedly to appear with Copes in
his film "Tango," (which he proposed as a tribute to them) she declined. A
sad thing to have happened.

Of course, they later were re-united for the latest go-'round of Tango
Argentino and that was something.

In between times, Maria Nieves had discovered her own place - she was
invited to headline around the world and felt the love of the public. She
discovered to her surprise how much she enjoyed teaching. One guesses some
of her youth was returned to her. She enjoyed a new life - made sweeter by
the old.

In 2000, another Maria was faced with a radically different future than she
envisioned; Maria Cieri's beloved Rodolfo was taken from her suddenly.

I am not qualified to write about the Cieris' place in the tango galaxy (I
have only seen them together on Daniel Trenner's video). I have had the
opinion expressed to me that the Cieris have had an influence on many
teachers and performers.

Petit, gracious, humble and just a wonderful dancer, Maria Cieri has for the
first time since her bereavement ventured into the tango world by coming to
Montreal for 6 weeks to teach. (Footnote: Maria and Rodolfo were to appear
for the first time in Montreal for a Festival two days after he was taken
finally to hospital).

Tango at its best being about relationships, Maria brings home to you the
reality of finding yourself alone after a life of family (first, and for a
long time in their case) and work as tango professionals.

Maria Cieri, introduced, spoke of how hard it has been to be without
Rodolfo; how she didn't know how to look at life (let alone tango) without
him. She speaks through a warming smile. She makes a little speech in the
way of her culture. She beams back the the applause, and again takes her

You know you are seeing tango personified ... and you are attracted to it.

Last night, at a an intimate milonga run by Antonio, Maria (saying goodbye)
sang tango, which she loves to do more than ever.

The first night Maria arrived, a woman visiting from California was sitting
with me. But her mind wasn't with me. She couldn't take her eyes off Maria -
who was just dancing with a local person. Women watching Maria tend to
become quiet, I've noticed.

When trying to describe her to a friend, I called her "The Queen of Slow." I
mean that in the most laudable sense. She is inside social tango; it is not
complicated where she is. It is just elegant, clean, inspired. And so calm.
She laughed when I told her that.

Maria seemed to enjoy dancing with all the men who asked her. She gathers no
air of intimidation around her. Speaking for myself, but also intuiting what
I saw from others, dancing with Maria Cieri is an experience to cherish.

Maria and Rodolfo had something very special. Unique.

Now she is without him ... but she is open to the tango world. She has much
to give. Invitations ought to come for her to travel more.

(Maria endeared herself even more here by speaking en français).

By her side in Montreal has been the almost magical presence of Mariana

Not 30 for a while yet, this young woman, partner of El Indio in Buenos
Aires, was also partner to Hernán Obispo (now 5 months lamented).

Mariana had been here twice with Hernán (of his four extended visits).

Now here she is in the midst of Hernán's many, many friends and with Maria

The grand dame (with no pretensions) and the beauty of the future (facing
reality as well).

Gentlemen, if you dance tango, you will so enjoy dancing with Mariana.
She'll be with you whatever you do. And she will shine her rays on you.

How unusual it was to have two women, with their recent backgrounds, come
together to teach for a few weeks. (This was under the auspices of Santiago
Jiménez, owner of L'Académie de tango). And how utterly sweet.

They graced all of the milongas with their presence (as far as I know). They
taught people who loved them for what they gave.

Making we want to say to them, but even to all women of tango, you are

Keith Elshaw


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