953  El Arranque & Wynton Marsalis - concert NYC recordings?


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 00:18:13 +0100
From: Chris Luethen <christian.luethen@GMX.NET>
Subject: El Arranque & Wynton Marsalis - concert NYC recordings?

dear list,

does anybody know wether there are existing recordings (open or
bootleg) available of the concert "El Arranque" from Bs.As. and
"Lincoln Center Jazz with Wynton Marsalis" from NYC gave at Lincoln
Center in NYC in may 2002?



Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 13:10:24 +0900
From: astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP>
Subject: Re: El Arranque & Wynton Marsalis - concert NYC recordings?

> does anybody know wether there are existing recordings (open or
> bootleg) available of the concert "El Arranque" from Bs.As.


> Thanks
> Christian

For all I know, "El Arranque" is a somewhat new tango orchestra from BsAs,
that gave a concert in Japan a while ago. I remember them playing tango
valse with dancers dressed in white with white feather boas. The feather
boas had a different colour for every song, but were always worn. Not my cup
of tea, by the way.
"El Arranque" is also the name of a milonga BsAs, and the title of an old
tango song, I believe. I know nothing about a concert titled "El Arranque".
When and where was that ?


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 10:09:50 +0100
From: Christian Luethen <christian.luethen@GMX.NET>
Subject: Re: El Arranque & Wynton Marsalis - concert NYC recordings?

Hola Astrid, hola list!

> > does anybody know wether there are existing recordings (open or
> > bootleg) available of the concert "El Arranque" from Bs.As.
> .....
> For all I know, "El Arranque" is a somewhat new tango orchestra from BsAs,
> that gave a concert in Japan a while ago. I remember them playing tango
> valse with dancers dressed in white with white feather boas. The feather
> boas had a different colour for every song, but were always worn. Not my
> cup of tea, by the way.
> "El Arranque" is also the name of a milonga BsAs, and the title of an old
> tango song, I believe. I know nothing about a concert titled "El
> Arranque".
> When and where was that ?

Ooops, didn't I write it good? Perhaps another "copy & paste" error. :-(

Anyway, for clarification:
Yes, you're right: It's that tango orchestra "El Arranque" from Buenos Aires
I am refering to. [link to her - outdated - website:
https://www.elarranque.com.ar/] Allthough "a somewhat new tango orchestra" does not really hit the
nail: They allready exist for at least 5 years [link I found:
In the meantime, about three or four months ago their third CD came out,
titled "clasicos"
(https://www.danzaymovimiento.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath0000_120000_120003&products_id691017183). [second one was "Cabulero"
{https://www.danzaymovimiento.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath0000_120000_120003&products_id691017162}, first one just "El Arranque
Tango"(https://www.danzaymovimiento.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath0000_120000_120003&products_id681003301)] The first one came out in summer 1998, actually hot of the
press we got them at Dresden-Tango-Festival where they were guests of the local
Orchestra "Andorinha Sextett" [https://www.andorinha.de/] (before even being
available in Argentia.) My favourite CD is still their first, best for
dancing, in the tradition of the old orchestra.

They are a young but very good orchestra. When I visited them in Bs.As. in
November/December 1998 one night at "Club Almagro" the DJ announced to the
crowd that that evening we were honoured of having Wynton Marsalis with us.
IGNACIO VARCHAUSKY (Double-bass and arrangements) immediatly took the chance to
get into contact with Wynton ... resulting in a concert giving in New York
City in may 2002 (when I heard about in feb. 2002 in was allready sold out ...
otherwise I would have flown over from europe for this occasion). The programm
was somewhat called "Jazz meets Latin" or so, half of the evening was
composed/arranged by Wynton Marsalis, the other half by RAMIRO GALLO (First Violin
and arrangements) from "El Arranque". They were giving two concerts, the day
in between there must have been a swing/tango-dancing with live music.

Also "El Arranque" was chosen to perform on the closing night of the first
"Buenos Aires Tango Festival" in December 1998, when Avenida Corrientes was
closed to public traffic and we were dancing on the street!

They have close relations to "Orquesta Escuela de Tango"
{https://www.buenosaires.gov.ar/areas/com_social/novedades/tango/index.asp} where some of them also teach!

They share good contacts to the "older" musicians of tango in Buenos Aires.
Nelly Omar has been supporting them a lot when they came out with their first

They have been touring Europe quite some times in the meantime, been regular
guest at Stuttgart's Milonga "El Amateur" (Germany). [Link to an interview
with Ignacia Varchausky (allthough in german, but there's Babelfish

I also hope to have my photos of their concerts scanned one day and up on my
website. :-)

In my opinion "El Arranque" is currently one of the best tango orchestras
with younger musicians existing. Their repertoire is *very* danceable. If you
want to check out their CD's for dancing go for the first one
[https://www.danzaymovimiento.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath0000_120000_120003&products_id681003301] ... they even seem to have real-media-files at DYM's webshop.
The music is very well acentuated ... good to dance!

About the tango shows they're travelling with I can't say anything (have to
admit I am not a show enthusiastic). They were travelling the netherlands
with a show in early 2002, a lot of the music from the 2nd CD "Cabulero" was
featured. I did not like the "show" ... but enjoyed their music very much. At
that moment I had not heard them perfoming live for about 2,5 years ... was
promised much better musical skills then they allready had in 1998 and 1999 ...
but have to confess: They were even better than I allready expected! :-)

Now you know more about "El Arranque" ... and why I am so interested in
having a take from their concert with Wynton Marsalis and Lincoln Center Jazz:
Two extremely good orchestras joining together ... must have been very
fascinating! BTW: Any eye/ear-wittnesses of the concert on the list?

Greetings from Rotterdam


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