3104  Girls in trances


Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 18:11:37 -0800
From: Yale Tango Club <yaletangoclub@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Girls in trances

Hi Tom, Derik, Larry,

You guys are funny.
How about a girl's perspective.

I close my eyes by default but especially in milonguero style for several reasons:
- sometimes I am really in a tango trance. When people meditate, they close their eyes for a reason. Actually, closing my eyes is necessary to ACHIEVE this trance (although not sufficient).
- it really helps my concentration and total enjoyment of the dance.
- I get distracted by seeing other dancers whizzing by
- while I am dancing I prefer not to acknowledge other dancers or passers-by, you know people catch your eye and wave or smile (I am often the organizer). I don't want to be rude to either to my partner who deserves my full attention, or to my friends by looking at them but not not seeing them.

About your assertion that girls close their eyes because nothing is happening, think how when people kiss they tend to close their eyes and that's not because nothing is happening.
Look at it this way, if you close your eyes it means you are pretty sure nothing "bad" is going to happen. That's a vote of confidence, in my book.

My eyes are open in the following situations:
- when I dance open my partner sees my face and if my eyes are closed that would look pretty dumb. Also the connection would be one-way and thus uneven.
- when I dance very open or with a less experienced partner, seeing his frame helps me stay right on top of his lead. I know that may sound like cheating to some, but I do this for fun and I'm not out to make anyone feel inadequate at a milonga.
- when I dance with a partner who favors big moves and high boleos or leg swings, I feel I should have a clue if there's somebody behind me
- when the moves get really crazy, it helps to see the room in order to maintain your perpendicular position relative to the floor
- if the crowd's floorcraft is poor, I know my partner appreciates it if by squeezing his shoulder I can avert a collision with a tornado dancer.

I assure you sleep is the furthest thing from my mind, and also if there are sparks they come not from my face but from my energy and movement, and the tricks I pull out in response to my partner's tricks. No visual necessary.



Derik Rawson <rawsonweb@YAHOO.COM> wrote:Dear Larry:

With all due respect, that look on the women's faces,
the trance, probably comes from them not being
required to do anything. They can relax, because
nothing much is happening, and nothing much will
happen. I see the same look on women's faces when
they are asleep. Me, I prefer to see aome sparks of
electricity passing between partners in tango, a true
conversation between equal partners. I am not looking
for a Stepford wife. I am looking for someone who has
something to say to me. I like exciting women. As the
French say, "Why make it simple, when you can make it
complicated, and therefore much more interesting." My
humble opinion.


--- Larry Richelli wrote:

> Tom,
> I would not argue with you here but I must say that
> just watching the difference on the woman s faces.
> In
> milonguero style, there faces look much like a
> pleasurable trance...soft and very pretty.
> The minute they open up and start the "other tango"
> that same face becomes tight and straight, needing
> to
> concentrate on the steps.
> I have seen this over and over again.
> --- Tom Stermitz wrote:

Tango Club at Yale


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