3141  Improvisation in other dances


Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:35:36 -0600
From: Melanie Eskoff <melanieeskoff@AUSTIN.RR.COM>
Subject: Improvisation in other dances

Many dances become improvisational with intense communication between partners. My partner and I had a breakthru experience in tango, after =
attending Dallas Dance. This is a WC swing convention/competition that in the wee hours of the night can provide positively eyepopping =
improvisational dancing. We had attended to improve our WC, but came away with a vastly increased understanding of musicality, communication =
and play that we immediately applied to our tango.

I agree with Sean. The leaders dreaded back step, rotated down the line of dance becomes a lovely left turn that moves them safely down the line =
of dance. and is easily accomplished by new tango dancers after a few lessons. Most teachers seem to include the parada, which can cause =
traffic jams in crowded places and requires much experience to place it and be familiar with the directions of the exits (in relation to LOD), =
before they teach this left turn. I'm sure most of you have seen it, but, Daniel Trenner has an interesting and amusing article on the =
"8-count" at his site.


Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:40:28 -0800
From: Trini or Sean - PATangoS <patangos@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Improvisation in other dances

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for the gentle correction regarding
improvisation in other dances. I m really surprised to
learn about that. I should know better than to make
blanket generalizations about subjects in which I have
only dabbled.

I too study other dances to improve my Tango, but in
my case it is a series of contact improvisation
workshops sponsored by a modern dance troupe. I highly
recommend modern dance workshops to tango dancers.


--- Melanie Eskoff <melanieeskoff@AUSTIN.RR.COM>

Many dances become improvisational with intense
communication between partners.

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.

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