2115  Is "Isla de Capri" a foxtrot?


Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 00:04:43 +0000
From: Oleh Kovalchuke <oleh_k@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Is "Isla de Capri" a foxtrot?

Andy wrote:

"If you cannot dance foxtrot, you can't hear it, and there it's no
revelation. But if you can, you can doublestep at the right moment."

Actually I use "Isla de Capri" to teach beginners the double-steps since
double-time beats are all over this song - hard to miss. Once they get the
mechanics of the step it's much easier for them to find the steps in more
complex tangos.

Thanks everyone for your responses - quite interesting.

Cheers, Oleh K.


>From: Andy <andy.ungureanu@T-ONLINE.DE>
>Reply-To: Andy <andy.ungureanu@T-ONLINE.DE>
>Subject: Re: [TANGO-L] "Is Isla de Capri" a foxtrot?
>Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 23:49:31 +0100
>Oleh Kovalchuke wrote:
>>The questions I am curious about are these:
>>Is "Isla de Capri" a tango or a foxtrot? Please elaborate.
>on Todo Tango ( https://www.todotango.com/ ) it is declared as:
>Isla de Capri
>Mzsica: Will Grosz
>Letra: Angel del Valle
>>If it is a foxtrot what is significance of this revelation to dancing
>>to "Isla de Capri"?
>If you listen to the rythm it'simpler to dance slow foxtrot steps, but
>slow tango is also OK. If you cannot dance foxtrot, you can't hear it,
>and there it's no revelation. But if you can, you can doublestep at the
>right moment.

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