1214  Men Leading Men


Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 07:06:31 -0700
From: Mark Rector <rmarkrector@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Men Leading Men

Hi, Stephen!

I completely understand your skepticism about the
efficacy of men leading men as a teaching tool, in the
reasons you laid out in your post.

I didn't mean to imply I thought it ought to be the
ONLY tool! And I still think it has merit on an
occasional basis. When a teacher leads me through a
figure, I'm able to assimilate particulars of the lead
that I wouldn't be able to get from merely observing,
because I'm able to experience what the follower is
supposed to "feel".

I also think men should be able to dance the woman's
part - at least somewhat - so they can have a better
understanding of what it is they are attempting to
lead, and what the woman has to do to accomplish it.

Finally, if a man can't execute a simple back ocho on
balance, how can he possibly ever execute the more
advanced figures in the man's part? Balance is
balance, isn't it?

Cheers! -Mark

> Stephen Brown wrote:
> I remain somewhat skeptical of the men learning by
> practicing with other
> men.


Mark Rector
Editor & Translator, MEDIEVAL COMBAT, Greenhill Books

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