3046  MISC: ReporTango updates its Calendar of Milongas and Practicas


Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 05:53:23 -0500
From: Carcuweb <carcuweb@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: MISC: ReporTango updates its Calendar of Milongas and Practicas

ReporTango, The Tango Magazine is entering -next January- its 5th year!
And to celebrate, it will be expanding its Tango Calendar sections making out of those pages,
the most complete and up to date guide (both on-line and printed) for milongas in the US and Canada.

If you want to submit information about milongas and/or practicas in your area,
please follow the link: https://www.reportango.com/update and fill out the forms.

We appreciate your cooperation!
Remember that your contribution will benefit the whole tango community.

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