3665  NA-E:SHOE SALE" Vivianatango "and more shoes AT ALL NIGHT MILONGA, NY, NY


Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 16:05:48 EDT
From: Vivitango@AOL.COM
Subject: NA-E:SHOE SALE" Vivianatango "and more shoes AT ALL NIGHT MILONGA, NY, NY

Viviana and her shoes" vivianatangoshoes" will be back at the next ALL
NIGHT MILONGA at Stepping Out, NY , NY. ALL NIGHT LONG shoe sale too!!
When? saturday agust 13
ALL her incredible large collection for men and woman.

Always NEW and exiting shoes added to her already wellknown comftable and
stylish shoes.
_https://www.steppingoutstudios.com/_ (https://www.steppingoutstudios.com/)
37 W 26 ST. NY. NEW YORK -

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