593  NA-E: USTC Thank you! - IDO Competition Results


Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 02:28:34 EDT
From: Randy & Lydia <TangoFantasy@AOL.COM>
Subject: NA-E: USTC Thank you! - IDO Competition Results

Hola Milongueros y Tangueras:

Just in from the "Tango Marathon" on Miami Beach, I mean Tango Fantasy on
Miami Beach. Nine consecutive milongas with at least 300 in attendance each
evening and a couple of milongas over 600 Tangueras/os dancing Tango till
3:30 AM or 4:30 AM and two all nighters that went til 5:00AM throughout the
event. No milongas ended before 3:30 in the morning.

We were only supposed to have one all night milonga on Tuesday evening, but
DJ Robin Thomas from NY jumped the gun. He was leaving at 7:00AM on Monday
and decided to play until time to leave for his flight back home.

A very big thank you to all the DJ's that made each and every milonga unique.
Victor Crichton from Tampa, Bob Dronski from Chicago, Manuel Patiņo from
Atlanta, Keith Elshaw from Canada and Robin Thomas from New York. This year,
at my request, David Alcina, the leader of the Trans Tango Trio (newly formed
in Miami), played the music in tandas as DJ's do for dancing AT. The
transitions from live music to DJ were the best ever. Thank you David Alcina
for a job well done.

A most sincere THANK YOU to everyone that joined us and made Tango Fantasy
2002 a great success. As Keith said in his message, the level of dancing has
improved dramatically this year. Since my first Tango Festival in Ohio at
the Tangofest of 1996, to see the improvement of Tango dancing in the USA is
just incredible.

The most important of all, our great master instructors. This year they
raised the level of instruction to unbelievable dimensions. I can't wait for
the videos of the 112 classes taught at the USTC Tango Fantasy. The
Tropigala Nightclub has the most intimate setting you could imagine for a
spectacular show. The dancing as always leaves everyone breathless. Thank
you to Alberto Hoyos from Orlando fro being our Master of Ceremonies for the
Masters of Tango Show. Unfortunately, you had to be there to see it. The
show will not be on video.

Friday night, May 31, we held the IDO USA Professional Argentine Tango
Qualifying event. The results are as follows:

1st - Roberto Maiolo & Clarita Infante - Miami, FL
2nd - Diego Blanco & Ana Padron - Miami, FL
3rd - Victor Crichton & Desiree Munera - Tampa, FL
4th - Christian Camacho & Monica Llobet - Miami, FL
5th - Alberto Hoyos & Selena Hoyos - Orlando, FL
6th - Count Glover & Christy Cote - San Francisco, CA
7th - Louis Bar & Laura Cantu - Overland Park, KA
8th - Rick Wilson & Lynda Wilson - Atlanta, GA

Each country is allowed to send up to 6 couples to represent their country.
This year the top 6 finalists will represent the US at the United States
DanceSport Championships to be held in September.

Anyone needing information on next year's event should e-mail us at
info@TangoFantasy.com or contact us at 305-274-2705. Please visit our
website at www.TangoFantasy.com,

Tango Forever,

Randy & Lydia

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