3454  name that tune


Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 12:37:11 -0400
From: Eugenia Choi <esc@JUILLIARD.EDU>
Subject: name that tune

I'm searching for information on the violin tango music used in a 2001 Thermasilk shampoo commercial called "Party" directed by Bruno Aveillan =
for J Walter Thompson.
Is anyone who owns a copy of the commercial willing to share it with me? (Adcritic.com is charging $100 to see it online) and does anyone know =
the name/title/artist of the music?
Thanks so much for your expertise.

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:24:32 +0000
From: Edwin Spector <ems@alcatel-lucent.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Name that Tune?
To: tango-l@mit.edu

This is a BBC radio documentary which has references to Argentina, and
so the program makers inserted some tango music clips in the background.
I quite liked the music, but didn't recognise the tunes. (About two
clips in a 30-minute prog). Any suggestions welcome. Prog date was

Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio4_aod.shtml?radio4/document
(Note: This link only points to the latest prog in the series).



Bath, UK.

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