2356  a personal note from daniel trenner


Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 09:41:38 -0700
From: jackie ling wong <jackie.wong@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: a personal note from daniel trenner


our community is very fortunate to have daniel trenner residing in our area ... beautiful central and western massachusetts.

i'm sure many of you know that daniel has been recovering from a brutal random attack that occurred approximately 3 1-2 years ago. his health =
has improved enough that he has decided to formally come out of retirement and teach starting in mid april.

so please join us in wishing him the best. he has a thoughtful personal note, explaining what happened to him and what his plans are for the =
future, posted on his website

if you would like to send a send a note to him personally, he can be emailed at

thank you

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