468  Request for Info - Tango Inns, B&B's, rooms for rent


Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 15:59:03 -0600
From: Erica Sutton <ericaatwork@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Request for Info - Tango Inns, B&B's, rooms for rent

Hello from Chicago!

I would like to create a page on my website for tango travelers. Loads of
friends have been asking me recently about places to stay when they travel
for tango. I know there are tango B&Bs out there and especially housing and
rooms for rent in Buenos Aires.

I would love to have the folks that know about these places write me a blurb
with the highlights of the place, complete contact information (email, phone
numbers, website) and digital photos, if possible. I want to create a page
within my site dedicated to tango inns, B&Bs, rooms for rent, etc around the

Feel free to pass this email on to folks off the list that could help me
compile this information.

Thanks in advance,

tango para todos
the chicago tango school

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