2323  Sexy off-topic and voluntary compliance


Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 15:57:47 +0100
From: Ecsedy Áron <aron.ecsedy@OM.HU>
Subject: Sexy off-topic and voluntary compliance

Dear Everyone,

Isn't voluntary compliance also extend to not posting off-topics like the "sexiest" thing recently?

I don't want to make a fuss about it, but here in Hungary - on the Hungarian tango list - any off topic posts, or any tango related posts =
which are not completely relevant to Hungarians results in a lot of complaint about unwanted mail. I delete about 60-80 junkmail messages =
every day, so an extra few is not a problem.

However, couldn't we just stop communication if we don't really have SOMETHING to say to this 1000+ people on the list?


> As we are now without a moderator, voluntary compliance is
> essential.
> With best regards,
> Steve (de Tejas)

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