684  Song search


Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 11:52:30 -0700
From: Evan Wallace <evanw@INGENIUX.COM>
Subject: Song search

I am looking for any CD with "Si Vous Plait" (or SVP-I'm not sure which
is the actual title). I believe it is by Piazolla-does anyone on the
list have any information? Carlos Gavito danced to this in Forever Tango
if memory serves. I've searched for it on a number of occasions, here
and in Argentina, and keep coming up empty-handed. Any help would be


Evan Wallace

Seattle, WA

Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:44:25 -0700
From: Evan Wallace <evanw@INGENIUX.COM>
Subject: Song search II

I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my recent inquiries about
the song "S.V.P." by Piazzolla. Less than eight hours after posting my
request for information about the song on Tango-L, a friend walked up to
me at a dance handed me a copy of the desired CD, relayed from another
friend. The Internet is a wonderful thing.

Here is another one: I am looking for the identity of a song, a link to
which I have posted below. The link points to a 60-second snippet of the
piece, in .wav format. I apologize in advance for the quality--it is
barely audible, having been transferred from a poor quality audio tape
to a poor quality microphone to a noisy hard drive--but the melody is
discernable. The only other clue I have to the identity of this song is
that Gustavo, Chico, and Fabian danced a group choreography to the
number at CITA 2000.

Here's the link:


Thank you,

Evan Wallace


Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:36:06 -0400
From: Steve Freeman <steven.f.freeman@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Song search: Cok Vzaklarda (Turkish)

I am looking for what I was told is a Turkish tango titled "Cok
Vzaklarda." We heard it in NYCity's Central Park a few weeks ago on a
mixed-CD The singer's name was listed as "Alexier Haris."

Any clues? I thought it was strikingly beautiful -- and never have heard
anything quite like it.


Steve Freeman

Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 16:30:39 -0800
From: Dan Boccia <redfox@ALASKA.NET>
Subject: Re: Song search: Cok Vzaklarda (Turkish)

The song is "Cok Uzaklarda" by Nilufer. I cannot remember the name of the
album but it should be easy enough to find via web search. I think calling
it a "tango" is stretching it a bit although it is played with varying
success at milongas.


I am looking for what I was told is a Turkish tango titled "Cok
Vzaklarda." We heard it in NYCity's Central Park a few weeks ago on a
mixed-CD The singer's name was listed as "Alexier Haris."

Any clues? I thought it was strikingly beautiful -- and never have heard
anything quite like it.


Steve Freeman

Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 00:53:36 EDT
From: Jack Karako <JKarako@AOL.COM>
Subject: Song search: Cok Vzaklarda (Turkish)

The name of the album is Niluferle. The artist is Nilufer.

Dan is right, it is not a real tango, but liked by tango dancers.

www.Baila Tango.com

> The song is "Cok Uzaklarda" by Nilufer. I cannot remember the name of the
> album but it should be easy enough to find via web search. I think calling
> it a "tango" is stretching it a bit although it is played with varying
> success at milongas.
> Dan

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