1961  state of the list - no tango


Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:52:14 -0600
From: "Frank G. Williams" <frankw@MAIL.AHC.UMN.EDU>
Subject: state of the list - no tango

Hi Friends,

Manuel and Steve and Christian have the right ideas, IMHO: ignore (delete)
those with a bad attitude - cyberdance with those who please you!

When I came to the list - how many years ago? '95 or '96? - there were
passionate flame wars with a truly remarkable level of negative energy. One
'little' person got my own goat back then and I couldn't tolerate ANY of
their drivel. In retrospect, what a waste of energy (not to mention time)!
Of course, I smile thinking about my simple understanding of tango culture
at that time... ;-)

Experience helps not only our dancing but also our list participation
skills. New people are more likely to be not only myopic but also
defensive. Is it too much to politely ignore them? My goal for
participating in the list is to be constructive. When I have criticisms,
and that's not infrequent, I make them in private.

That's my rule #1. Contribute in public, criticize in private.

My rule #2 is just as simple: completely ignore anybody using an apparent
pseudonym. I completely blow 'em off. Among our real dance partners,
anybody who is concerned that they have something to hide will ultimately
fail to connect with us. In 'cybertango' what, exactly, is there to hide?
Yes, there are some 'heavy hitters' in tango who silently monitor this list.
Are the pseudonymists afraid of being identified as ignorant? Don't think
it can be hidden - but don't worry about it too much either!

Remember that by and large, Argentines are very warm people. Not
artificially 'polite' or 'diplomatic' (especially if you're trying to 'eat
their lunch'!), but to those who sincerely want to know and understand
Argentine culture, even the heavies will surprise you with their openness,
honesty, and generosity. It costs each of us nothing to be open and honest
as well.

Flor de Mina, besitos mi amor! ;-)

Frank in Minneapolis

PS. My apologies for the annoying formatting characters in my messages. MS
Outlook calls it 'plain text'... suggestions?

Frank G. Williams, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota

Department of Neuroscience
6-145 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
205 Veterinary Science
1971 Commonwealth Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

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