1966  Tango in Barcelona


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 17:58:51 +0100
From: J o h a n n <foremast@GMX.NET>
Subject: Re: Tango in Barcelona

Hola hello Ciao Tutti, come va??

Recordar que la web del tango en Barcelona, Espaqa tiene un nombre, y se
llama www.barnatango.com, y es una web catalana.

Salve ragazzi se ci voi di fare contatti con gente italo parlante in Spagna
per piaccere scribire a questo indirizzo di email di me. Grazie, Juan

> There is a high possibility that you may not be interested in this
> subject,
> if so please kindly *Delete*.
> My friends tell me that Dirk has been bragging that "he put me in my
> place"
> that being the reason I do not dare to answer his notes. :)))
> I put myself in the place where I am and I am fully responsible for that,
> nobody puts me in any place I am certain of that.
> I have been accused of sophistry, languages, traveling and elitism.:))
> Pompous and affected language.:)) - Terrible accusations that required
> Dirk
> to stay up all night to spell them. :))
> These accusations and his discussion about the history of bandoneon have
> been his contributions to the list. We are all grateful for them, as they
> greatly increased introspection into our personalities and contributed to
> a
> better knowledge of the Bandoneon. (I mean it seriously here).
> 1- Elitism : If I have to talk about biology I have to mention the word
> "Cell" many times, if I talk about nuclear energy I have to say "atom"
> many
> times. Class difference and prejudice rest at the base of the history of
> tango. So to speak about differences in social strata is an absolute
> necessity when you talk about tango history.
> 2- Traveling: When I used to talk impersonally, not mentioning my own
> experience, a little lady that lives on the west coast told some of my
> friends that my tango knowledge came just from reading, (obvio) she added.
> ( this was direct result of my publishing tango bibliography in answer to
> a
> character from the east coast that stated again and again that there was
> no
> tango history neither good tango books.
> So I decided to make personal references to substantiate my experiences
> from
> then on.
> Traveling can be done by most anybody that is interested in doing it.
> Cruising in times of the Titanic was in the realm of the very rich but
> nowadays, anyone can take a cruise as he wishes, for a few dollars.
> Naturally you must have the interest to do it.
> I was interested in knowing the world since I read the "One and a thousand
> nights" as a child. So traveling is one of my hobbies, I feel free of any
> inhibition to mention it as it is absurd to consider that as a show of
> snobbism.
> 3- Languages: The same as above, I have to demonstrate that I know first
> hand what I am talking about,:) otherwise the linguists will say that I do
> not know what I am saying.
> I am fluent in Castilian (my native language), Italian, French and
> English.
> I also know a little German. I will talk about languages whenever I wish
> because they are another one of my favorites hobbies. Snobbism, my foot to
> use good English.
> 4- Elitism : I am such a snob, I am so elitist that I never used my titles
> when introducing myself. I always preferred to be called Sergio. I went
> dancing Country-Western for several years incognito, posing as a clerk. I
> had the best time of my life as I was able to mix and was accepted as an
> equal by everybody. One day a boy fainted on the dance floor, it was
> instinctive that I run to assist him, that along with the fact that a
> nurse
> that knew me from the hospital was there blew my cover. Things were never
> the same afterwards.
> 4- About sophistry and Babel fish. Dirk is an expert on those subjects. As
> usual he concentrates in little details and misses the whole picture.
> 5- Pompous and affected language.
> My English teachers were from Great Britain, I learnt it in the
> classroom.
> I did not have the privilege of learning it in the street, so that is the
> only way I know how to speak. If you knew our language slang I would
> dispel
> that notion very easily "Boludo alegre".
> Summary: I have, do and will continue to talk about tango, languages and
> travels whenever I feel like as they are part of my life and some of my
> favorite hobbies. I do not think I am a snob.
> As a medical doctor I had the chance to interact with all sort of people
> both in Argentina and in the USA, I can adapt easily to any circumstance .
> So Dirk do not waste your time, I like myself, I like my friends and they
> like me and you are not going to change that.

Visite nuestra web de ofertas informaticas:

Direccisn de respuesta: foremast@gmx.net

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Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 13:16:22 +0200
From: J o h a n n <foremast@GMX.NET>
Subject: Tango in Barcelona Spain

Hola amig@s

El prsximo viernes 2 de abril os invitamos a una clase intensiva de tango .

La clase sera gratuita y tambiin sera el germen de un nuevo grupo de amigos
interesados en el tango .

Posteriormente a esta clases comenzaremos un curso de nivel medio `para
todos los que estiis interesados.

Lugar Sala Aditi C/Aviqon n: 31 3: -2*

El horario sera de 20h. a 22.30h. los que no podais llegar a las 20h. os
esperamos a las 21h. pero por favor no vengais entre horas.

Info del curso:

Comienzo: 23-4-2004

Fin: 25-6-2004

Precio: 90E por 10 Clases

Lugar : Sala Aditi C/Aviqon n: 31- 3: -2*

Horario: de 21h. a 23h. (Ojo cambiamos el horario)

El precio del curso incluye la entrada alas milongas del martes y miircoles.

Os esperamos el viernes

Un abrazo

Carlos Baruque


Direccisn de respuesta: foremast@gmx.net

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Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 13:18:53 +0200
From: J o h a n n <foremast@GMX.NET>
Subject: Re: Tango in Barcelona 2

Hola amig@s

Queremos informaros que la inauguracisn de la prsxima milonga El Desbande se
demorara unos dmas debido a las obras que estan realizando en el local de la
calle tallers.

Probablemente aplazaremos el evento hasta el dma 5 de Mayo.

Cuando estemos totalmente seguros os enviaremos un mensaje confirmacisn
junto con la programacisn .

Un abrazo

Carlos Baruque


+++ NEU bei GMX und erstmalig in Deutschland: T\V-gepr|fter Virenschutz +++
100% Virenerkennung nach Wildlist. Infos: https://www.gmx.net/virenschutz

Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 02:58:06 -0700
From: Alejandro Tosi <alejandro_tosi@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: gracias gracias... and now... Tango in Barcelona??

muhcas gracias por toda la informacion que me han dado por internet acerca de donde bailar en europa!! ha sido la mejor fuente de informacion de todas. ahora les pegunto... donde se puede bailar en barcelona???

thanks a lot for all the info I got from the list about dancing in europe. but I need more, hahah!!! do you know where to dance in Barcelona???

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 19:09:47 +0800
From: Donald Hsu <donaldhsu@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Recommendation for Tango in Barcelona

I am looking for recommendations for Tango activities
in Barcelona towards the end of January. Any help is

Thank you.

Hong Kong

Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 14:17:22 -0400
From: "Zasha Weinberg" <zasha.weinberg@yale.edu>
Subject: [Tango-L] Where to tango in Barcelona
To: <tango-l@mit.edu>

Hi, I'm going to be in Barcelona, Spain at the end of the month (July
28-31), and was wondering if someone could recommend a friendly milonga I
could go to. I'd like a friendly one, since I've only been doing tango for
a few months. Also, if you have a sense of how much I need to dress up (I'm
a man). I'm hoping not to take a lot of extra clothes...



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