831  Tango esoterica


Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 19:10:22 -0700
From: Jim Maes <dancetango@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: Tango esoterica

In Lak'esh.....Does this fit?


Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:25:19 -0800
From: Jim Maes <dancetango@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: Tango Esoterica

The students must find these essences for themselves
to understand and appreciate how these essential elements work in the

You can teach people the mechanics of a good embrace, and tell them about
connection, but they have to find the connection in their own hearts and
souls. You can teach people the basic rhythmic elements of tango movement,
and suggest ways to interpret the music, but they have to find the musical
expression in themselves You can teach people elemental tango movements,
and tell the dance is improvisational, but they have to discover how to
recombine the elements themselves.

Teaching this kind of stuff is difficult to a general audience. Remember
that there are new movements towards "New age" "Enlightenment" etc. Why not
bring some of that Into Tango? Is Tango a representation of life? I agree
that it "might" not be appropriate for general tango classes, but there are
some people that come from "Spirituality/metaphysics/esoteric" that can
merge these elements. Maybe more of these people should have specialized
classes (for the VERY few who are interested)

Tango is a living thing, and as is true with life, each person brings
something different to it. There is a place for the traditionalists, those
that keep history in perspective, some of those that can only relate to
Pugliese or a particular religion, and those that love to explore the
cutting edge, or astral travel, enlightenment, the meaning of life. If you
don't like that women lead, or men follow, then maybe you should put on
white sheets and burn them at the stake :) Tango CAN be another venue for
world change, but only if we can grow up. Tango tends to be homophobic, a
condition that comes from fear of ones own masculinity. Do we forget that
when Tango started, men only had each other to dance with? Where they
queer? Does it make me wrong if I like to follow women on occasion, and
feel that sweet dreamstate they seem to fall into when they trust you.
Here, compare this, have you ever wondered and possibly wished you could
experience what orgasm felt like to your partner? **Chuckle** that should
raise some eyebrows :) :) but I am serious.

So I pose these questions to you all

What is spiritual?

What is connected?

What is soul?

Till next time

Jim (San Francisco)

p.s. I think it would be nice if people included where they live in their
posts. It makes it easier to understand what culture influences you most.

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