1159  Tango-L JourneyPerson's WishList


Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 17:49:05 -0700
From: Rick FromPdx <bugs1959bunny@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango-L JourneyPerson's WishList

As some of you might guess, I'm not holding down a steady job (truth = the flip of that), so plenty of time to sling hash, think, blab. The following is a wish list for Tango-L journeypeople. Some I certainly wish for myself, as my ideas aren't always well articulated, threads cross like crazy or miss altogether, non-sequitirs abound, stream-of-conscious ramblings, etc.

* smart selection of asbestos underwear
* bombproof/watertight logic
* steel trap of a mind
* razorsharp wit
* ability to create/frame an original idea/thread, now & then
* Sysiphysian ability/energy determination
* knees that don't jerk too much
* ability to hold many viewpoints in trap
* able to adjust rear-view mirrors to see into blind spots
* storechest full of fav pet-peeves & axes in need of grinding
* copy editor smarts for english language use
* encyclopedic/photographic brain/trap
* poetic/artistic sensibilities
* a good grasp of the common touch
* a child's clear vision/perspective
* good BS detector
* ability to toss stick of TNT into accepted dogma/dead_theory to see what happens
* ability to laugh at self/others
* modesty & humbleness
* musical ability
* dance like a God/Goddess
* toaster/breadbox sized ego
* patience of Job
* diplomatic skills & tact of seasoned/honest diplomat
* superlative day-care skills, to assist adults in time-out-area after throwing tantrums when they don't like the music

PS: Some of this is satire/tongue-in-cheek. My inspiration comes from the link below. WARNING/DISCLAIMER!: Please do not go there if easily offended.


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