2790  Tango and Maturity


Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 14:22:16 EDT
Subject: Tango and Maturity

Hello Oleh and Listers,

There is much to be said about.....Tango and Maturity

Time can be our best friend or….not. Through its passage we gain wisdom and
understanding of a million things we had no clue about in our youth. We've
learned how to learn and that ego-me-go takes us nowhere. We understand love,
loss, longing, and the lessons life has led us through. It tickfully reminds
us of our m-m-m-mortality.

With each year we have more to offer and to share. We bring more to the
floor and receive increased benefits from the dance, our partner, the music and
the experience. The more we give, the more we perceive how much more we

The combined pleasures of holding or being held by a partner, haunting and
playful music, inspired choreography, and living in the moment, create some
incredibly sweet and powerful connections. The delcicious footprints left
lingering on our soul/sole keep us coming back for more.

In our youth we would have enjoyed the dance on different levels than we do
now. (Assuming the reader is beyond their kinderyears.) We would have
enjoyed the music, being in close proximity with an attractive partner, playful
footwork, and the excitement. (We still do of course.) Now there is much more
and the "more" makes everything else exquisite.

In our "maturity" we hold a myriad of emotions and memories that have become
part of our inner being. Tango music touches us more deeply because our heart
and soul have deepened. Our connection with the music and our partner
reflect those depths, and we respond with heart, body, mind, and soul.

We love watching young folks dance tango, knowing that somewhere in time they
will truly understand it. Meanwhile, we will share our unspoken
understandings with them as they share their exuberance and energy with us. This magical
blending of generations will keep tango a living dance. It lives through us
as we live through it.

Each time we're on the floor, our dance changes. Ever so slightly, perhaps,
but it grows right along with us. We connect with a partner for short
intervals that contribute to the accumulation of many hours and miles. While we
nurture another, we nurture the dance. The art of refined caring comes with
maturity. We have learned the importance of taking care of someone, including
ourselves. And we've learned that tango takes care of us in ways we never dreamed
possible, so we trust ourselves in its embrace.

With maturity comes balance, growth, deepened tango and selective

Polly McBride
Portland OR
From All Things Argentine Tango

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