3089  Tango Nuevo ... reply to WHITE95


Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 21:03:37 +0000
From: Jay Rabe <jayrabe@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Tango Nuevo ... reply to WHITE95

White 95,

I'm curious why you say (I guess on what authority or reference) that
Gustavo "has nothing to do with Nuevo Tango."

I have probably bought un-thinking and without questioning into the
folklore/mythology that associates Gustavo with "Nuevo Tango", so am anxious
to understand whatever history you can provide.

But what I had heard was that Gustavo originaly developed the system of
analysis that has evolved into the step and embrace patterns that we know as
NT. Then Fabian learned the system from him, adding his own style and
character, and later Chicho did the same, adding his own individual
interpretations. Is this an inaccurate picture of the history of it?

I do think that the best way to think of NT is, like Tom Stermitz said, that
it is a system of analysis, carefully studying precise step placement, axis,
and rotational dynamics, and even though, as you pointed out, Gustavo and
Fabian and Chicho all look totally different on the dancefloor, still their
common heritage is the System that (I call) Nuevo Tango.

Jay in Portland

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