3155  Tango Protesta in Buenos Aires: Article in La Nacion daily paper


Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 12:22:49 -0500
From: Shahrukh Merchant <shahrukh@SHAHRUKHMERCHANT.COM>
Subject: Tango Protesta in Buenos Aires: Article in La Nacion daily paper

You can read the article on the "Tango Protesta" in yesterday's La
Nacion newspaper on-line at

It is titled "Por las clausuras hay milongas clandestinas en la ciudad"
("Owing to the closures there are clandestine milongas in the city"). It
gives 5 examples of such "clandestine" (not really in all cases ...)
activities, of which the protesta in the streets is the last. There are
two photos also, but you can see better copies of those and other photos
at https://www.shahrukhmerchant.com/tango/tango_protesta.htm


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