2478  Tango Stretching Exercises from Victor Levant


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 02:37:47 +0000
From: Victor Levant <victorlevant@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Tango Stretching Exercises from Victor Levant

Here is a site I built with the assistance of stretching guru Bob Anderson
whose book STRETCHING has been translated into 25 languages and sold 5
million copies. The site is rudimentary, but hopefully useful to serious
tango dancers.

Victor Levant

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:08:51 +0200
From: Peter Wenger <Wenger-Lehrmittel@T-ONLINE.DE>
Subject: Tango Stretching Exercises

I am sorry but there are no pictures. The links for the pictures are
pointing to your harddisc C:. Could you please correct it? I am verry

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 02:35:46 -0700
From: Kos.Zahariev@EC.GC.CA
Subject: Re: Tango Stretching Exercises

>I am sorry but there are no pictures. The links for the pictures are
>pointing to your harddisc C:. Could you please correct it? I am verry

You can still view them while we wait for the corrected web page, if you need
instant access. The pictures are there, it is just the links that are in
error. If you go to the website, and then add /Images/ to the address, you
will see the listing with all the pictures (which you can click on to view).

In other words, the pictures are at

Best regards,

Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 23:47:30 +0000
From: Victor Levant <victorlevant@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Tango Stretching Exercises

Given the traffic on the one site, I built a seond one so people can dowload
it to their computer. Pictures now function.


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 01:51:05 +0000
From: Victor Levant <victorlevant@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Tango Stretching Exercises

Over 800 people have visited the site since the beginning of June
( www.tangostretchingexercises.com)
It is now down to a trickle, so I will soon cancel that paid site and revert
to two others:
Victor Levant

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