1309  Three hour radio program tonight


Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 16:31:46 -0400
From: Daniel Saindon <gardien@TANGO.MONTREAL.QC.CA>
Subject: Three hour radio program tonight

Good afternoon

Tonight, Saturday, January 24,
between 7PM and 10PM. there will be
a three hour special tango program
on the radio show Bachibouzouk
of Radio-Canada (95.1 FM)

The first hour will provide feedback
from tangueos in the milonga of Montreal.
Another hour will be devoted to Romulo Larrea
( His band of 7 musicians ) and his daughter
Veroinica who sings taango.
The occasion is the lauching of a new CD
that will appear on the market this coming Tuesday.
Romulo larrea is very prolific ( He must be close to
10 single CDs - there are some double CD albums )
and this new entry is very welcome.

Romulo Larrea makes a specialty of interpretating the
music of Piazzolla ; this new CD is simply titles
Piazzolla and contemporaries ( ROMCD2303 )

This radio program will also feature a rare tango
concert by Philippe Noireaut who will sing his
own interpretation of classics of the French
Tango repertoire along with some of his own
compositions, if we are lucky. Philippe Noireaut
is a clever man, a French poet, a pianist who captivates
his audience with his spirit. Not to be missed if
you undestand French.

This Three hour radio program devoted to the
Tango of Montreal is substancial but is not
long enough ;-) to portray the full extent of
the tango music scene that originates from this city.
( Many like Quartango, Tango Vivo, Montreal Tango
will not be heard tonight ) Nevertheless, this is
an excellent introduction to these coming months
of tango festivities that will happen during the
month of June & July 2003

expected to come during the month of July along with
tango teachers like Gustavo Naviera and many
teachers from the www.worldtangofestival.com.ar
will come to montreal. They were invited by the
Tango Libre of Montreal.

For more information , send me an email.

See you there.

Daniel Saindon

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