1325  USTC Tango Fantasy - Seventh Annual Report - THANK YOU


Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 11:50:22 EDT
From: Randy & Lydia <TangoFantasy@AOL.COM>
Subject: USTC Tango Fantasy - Seventh Annual Report - THANK YOU

Dear List Members:

Milongueros y Tangueras:

Randy Pittman and I would like to take this opportunity to thank one and all
who attended our 7th USTC Tango Fantasy on Miami Beach and helped to make it
such a success.

Those of you who promote events will know that it doesn't necessarily get
easier as time goes by ... but we are blessed with support and help from many,
many people who are members of this List. You make it all worthwhile - even
exciting to be part of such a great Tango community.

Our staff of professors - Juan Carlos Copes & Johana, Miguel Angel Zotto &
Soledad Rivero, Osvaldo Zotto & Lorena Ermocida, Fabian Salas & Carolina del
Rivero, Facundo & Kely Posadas and Diego Di Falco & Carolina Zokalski were once
again fantastic in their sharing and performing.

People make an event, of course, and these teachers are like family to us and
to those who attend year after year.

You will be happy to know that Fernanda Ghi and Guillermo Merlo will, once
again, be with us next year as well. (We'd like to congratulate them on the
wonderful success of their show, "Tango Dreams", in Japan which kept them away
this year.)

Aside from the amazing classes, a big feature of Tango Fantasy is the Milonga
each night -- which go longer and longer each year. Keith Elshaw, Stephen
Brown, Victor Crichton and Manuel Patino were fantastic DJ's this year and very
popular as dance partners as well!

The winners of the IDO Argentine Tango Qualifying event were:

1st Place: Richard Council and Colette Hebert
2nd Place: Diego Baldanza and Lorena Quintana
3rd Place: Victor Crichton and Desiree Munera


With each passing year, we add more features to enhance the experience --
incorporating suggestions of our reps. from around the country who are deeply
involved with the Tango Fantasy. We have great new things in development for
next year. We can't wait.

Our 8th Annual Congress will take place from May 23rd. to 31st., 2004 again,
at the Fontainebleau Hilton Resort - the finest hotel on South Beach.

Thanks again to all who came and also to those who were not able to attend
this year but sent us their regrets and best wishes. We'll see you next
Memorial Day!

Tango Forever,

Lydia and Randy

P.S. Please keep checking our website for updates on next year's event www.TangoFantasy.com">

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