3467  Vertical Tango acrobats and Blues and Tango festival in San Francisco


Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 10:47:05 -0700
From: Igor Polk <ipolk@VIRTUAR.COM>
Subject: Vertical Tango acrobats and Blues and Tango festival in San Francisco

Yesterday there was a Milonga at Broadway made in the frame of
Blues and Tango festival in San Francisco ( https://bluestango.com )
Broadway ( https://broadwaystudios.com )
, a magical tango place was out of the way for us for a long time and now it
is coming back.
Dance floor was packed with good dancers, Trio Garufa (
https://www.triogarufa.com ) was at the peak of their performance! Bright,
juicy music.
While musicians took a brake for a dance - they are wonderful tango dancers,
Felipe DJ-ed classical proven tangos. Unforgettable event. The festive
atmosphere was set up by

Vertical Tango ( https://www.verticaltango.com )

a couple of pole acrobats performing tango on a vertical pole 20ft (6m)
high. The award winning number was designed under influence of our San
Francisco tango and teachers. What a performance! Uproaring success! Even
from the dance perspective - few professionals are able to dance tango of
the same strength on a floor, and they did it on a vertical pole! Energy of
their vertical dance fueled the whole event. They have marvelous tango
costumes, unfortunately not presented yet at their web site. Bravo! You can
see them at Teatro Zinzanni this Autumn ( https://love.zinzanni.org )

( from my weblog https://www.virtuar.com/tango/tango_weblog.htm )
Igor Polk

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