793  dragging with the trailing foot and ridding horses


Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 10:14:32 -0700
From: Sergio <cachafaz@ADELPHIA.NET>
Subject: dragging with the trailing foot and ridding horses

"Riding, like tango is the dialogue between two bodies and two souls aimed
at establishing perfect harmony between them."

Now the more down to earth, dragging of the foot.
This one is a beautiful figure. It can be done by only the man or by both
the man and the woman.

The easies way to do it (there are several). I lead a back ocho to my left
followed by another one to my right.
When she crosses back for the second ocho I stop her left foot with my left
one. (I place my left foot perpendicular to hers, my toes pointing to the
mid portion of her foot like forming a T . Something like \- or /- . Then I
pass over her foot with my right
(here I could do an amague first (front boleo) with that foot) finally drag
her left foot with my trailing (left)one.

Now I step back with my right (like after a sandwich) she goes over my left
foot with her right and draggs it with her trailing one (her left), end.

As Astrid says the weight should be on the back foot at the time of the

The move is even more beautiful if one twists a little to the right at the
same time as one draggs.

This el a drag, it is not? :). I apologize.

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