1113  erectile dysfunction


Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 23:08:41 EST
From: Sherrie Pallotta <sherpal1@AOL.COM>
Subject: erectile dysfunction

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here it is in another form, sp

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\kerning28\f0\fs28 HAVING TROUBLE PUMPING UP THE VOLUME?\par
Fifty percent of American men have erectile dysfunction some time in their lives. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inabilityto attain or sustain an ere=
ction adequate for sexual intercourse. It usually occurs in men who are 40 and over. Most men who experience episodes ED have a swift and complete rec=
overy. Other men have chronic and recurring sexual performance difficulties which could be diagnosed as impotence. You need to know the difference bet=
ween impotency and normal ED so that you can get the help that will put you back on the fast track of great sexual performance. \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 A man needing more direct penile stimulation to have an e=
rection is NOT impotence. Not being physically aroused by just thinking about sex is NOT impotence.\par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Needing and taking more time to have an erection with thi=
s direct stimulation is NOT impotence. (It\rquote s fun, I think.)\par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Taking more time to ejaculate, not ejaculating or having =
an erection diminish after a period of intercourse is NOT impotence.\par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Having an erection that is not as hard as it was when you=
were a teenager is NOT impotence.\par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Needing longer time between ejaculations is NOT impotenc=
e. \par
How you assess yourself according to these statements will help you to target what you need to do in order to solve your ED problem. \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 If you have a morning erection at least once a week it is=
likely your problem is psychological. A study done at the University of Chicago Sexual Dysfunction Clinic involved 32 men who said they were impotent=
. After thorough physical exams and tests, 86 percent of the men whose tests indicated psychological problems also \i had morning erections\i0 . On t=
he other hand the men who had diagnosed physical problems 100 per cent of these \i did not have any morning erections at all. \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360\i0 If you can have an erection in some circumstances such=
as masturbation or with a different partner, you again have a situational problem, based on psychological factors. If you have a physical problem you =
will most likely be unable to have an erection under any circumstances. \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 If your erection difficulties coincided with some particu=
lar event, loss, change or stress and have lasted several months, you may be in a vicious cycle of anxiety, performance failure and then more anxiety.\p=
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 If your erection is firm but diminishes when you attempt =
to penetrate, this loss of firmness may signal the development of a physical problem. Or it may indicate an emotional conflict based upon intimacy issu=
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 If your interest or desire for sex suddenly and dramatica=
lly falls off and persists for some time, there well may be an underlying physical or psychological problem. \par
One step you can take is to evaluate the herbal options available to you that have the most impact on resolving, if not eliminating, problems with ED. =
There are two herbs known for thousands of years by the Chinese that have these remarkable performance-enhancing qualities: \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 They increase the size of the erection and\par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}They increase the duration of the erection\par
These herbal preparations are known as:\par
\b Cnidium monnier \b0 which\b \b0 has a relaxant effect on smooth muscle tissue in the penis maximizing arterial dilation creating a firm erection d=
uring the arousal phase and\par
\b Xanthoparmelia scabrosa \b0 which\b \b0 keeps the penis erect longer by interfering with certain enzyme actions that delay the outflow of blood fr=
om penile muscle tissue.\par
In addition to these two high impact herbs, you will want to include these botanical supplements in your daily empowering regimen:\par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Ginkgo biloba was proved in several studies to increase p=
eripheral blood flow in normal men and even in those with arteriosclerosis. One study showed that approximately 200 mg. daily of Ginkgo had a positive =
effect on sexual function in 76 percent of the men.\par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Horsetail (Equisetum) is also useful if impotency is due to prostate enlargement. A healthy prostate is needed to package the semen=
and to create the biochemical and mechanical aspects needed for erectile function. In addition, horsetail is high in selenium, a nutrient lacking in o=
lder men.\par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Saw Palmetto works well for impotency by helping to maintain the prostate gland\rquote s proper hormone balance needed for optimal s=
exual function, again especially in older men. \par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Green oats and stinging nettle were found by Dr. Robert Frankt of Budapest University in Hungary to greatly increase sexual vitality=
in men\par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Yohimbe ( Coryanthe yohimbe) increases libido, shortens the latency period (elapse time) between ejaculations and enhances erectile =
function in diabetics who have neuropathy.\par
\pard\nowidctlpar \par
You should also develop healthy eating and living habits. \par
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li360 Include good food, exercise and Vitamins C, E, Zinc and e=
ssential fatty acids to your diet\par
{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Eat fresh fruits and vegetables which help maintain vascular integrity and sufficient blood flow to the penile tissues\par
Eliminate excessive amounts of alcohol, nicotine and as many medications as possible.\par
ED has created a multi-million dollar industry by men who have rushed to correct their problems with the pharmaceutical drug called Viagra (sildenafil c=
itrate). Lovemaking is important, but some of the side affects of Viagra may not be very pleasant, ranging from headaches, facial flushing, green visi=
on, stomachaches, muscle pain, diarrhea, dizziness and urinary tract infections. You should avoid if you have coronary disease, cardiovascular disease=
, are hypertensive, overweight or smoke (now there\rquote s a reason to give up cigarettes, eh). Viagra works by increasing the flow of blood to the pe=
nis to establish and maintain an erection. Such vascular activity could imperil men who have the afore-mentioned disorders.\par
If your erection difficulties are more serious than those associated with normal aging, you may be suffering from some psychological or physical problem=
. Psychological factors like stress, fear, grief or problems with intimacy can bring down an erection. Physical things like substance use and abuse, v=
ascular disease, diabetes and neurological disorders can prevent erections altogether. A good medical assessment will help to determine if your ED is =
psychologically or physically based or is a combination of the two.\par
Frequency of lovemaking counts, even if you don\rquote t always have intercourse. It is important to keep that erectile tissue supple and responsive. =
Don\rquote t make \ldblquote coming\rdblquote a goal of lovemaking, expand your definition of sex, learn about new ways to share intimacy, become a m=
ore creative sex partner. And don\rquote t dwell on the negative, try to be with a partner who will nurture and not na and who will enjoy the pleasure =
of sexual exploration. \par
Laurel Billingsley\par


Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:45:31 -0500
From: Varvara Kountouzi <varvarak@POBOX.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: Re: erectile dysfunction

now, that's a topic that should be discussed on EVERY list!

After all, there is a *slight* possibility that this is the cause of all
wars, no? (including tango wars!)

At 11:08 PM 3/20/2003 -0500, Sherrie Pallotta wrote:

>here it is in another form, sp
>Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
>\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\kerning28\f0\fs28 HAVING TROUBLE PUMPING
> \par
>Fifty percent of American men have erectile dysfunction some time in their
>lives. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inabilityto attain or sustain an
>erection adequate for sexual intercourse. It usually occurs in men who
>are 40 and over. Most men who experience episodes ED have a swift and
>complete recovery. Other men have chronic and recurring sexual
>performance difficulties which could be diagnosed as impotence. You need
>to know the difference between impotency and normal ED so that you can get
>the help that will put you back on the fast track of great sexual
>performance. \par
>A man needing more direct penile stimulation to have an erection is NOT
>impotence. Not being physically aroused by just thinking about sex is
>NOT impotence.\par
>Needing and taking more time to have an erection with this direct
>stimulation is NOT impotence. (It\rquote s fun, I think.)\par
>Taking more time to ejaculate, not ejaculating or having an erection
>diminish after a period of intercourse is NOT impotence.\par
>Having an erection that is not as hard as it was when you were a teenager
>is NOT impotence.\par
>Needing longer time between ejaculations is NOT impotence. \par
>How you assess yourself according to these statements will help you to
>target what you need to do in order to solve your ED problem. \par
>If you have a morning erection at least once a week it is likely your
>problem is psychological. A study done at the University of Chicago
>Sexual Dysfunction Clinic involved 32 men who said they were impotent.
>After thorough physical exams and tests, 86 percent of the men whose
>tests indicated psychological problems also \i had morning erections\i0
>. On the other hand the men who had diagnosed physical problems 100 per
>cent of these \i did not have any morning erections at all. \par
>If you can have an erection in some circumstances such as masturbation or
>with a different partner, you again have a situational problem, based on
>psychological factors. If you have a physical problem you will most
>likely be unable to have an erection under any circumstances. \par
>If your erection difficulties coincided with some particular event, loss,
>change or stress and have lasted several months, you may be in a vicious
>cycle of anxiety, performance failure and then more anxiety.\par
>If your erection is firm but diminishes when you attempt to penetrate,
>this loss of firmness may signal the development of a physical
>problem. Or it may indicate an emotional conflict based upon intimacy
>If your interest or desire for sex suddenly and dramatically falls off and
>persists for some time, there well may be an underlying physical or
>psychological problem. \par
>One step you can take is to evaluate the herbal options available to you
>that have the most impact on resolving, if not eliminating, problems with
>ED. There are two herbs known for thousands of years by the Chinese that
>have these remarkable performance-enhancing qualities: \par
>They increase the size of the erection and\par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}They increase the duration of the erection\par
>These herbal preparations are known as:\par
>\b Cnidium monnier \b0 which\b \b0 has a relaxant effect on smooth
>muscle tissue in the penis maximizing arterial dilation creating a firm
>erection during the arousal phase and\par
>\b Xanthoparmelia scabrosa \b0 which\b \b0 keeps the penis erect
>longer by interfering with certain enzyme actions that delay the outflow
>of blood from penile muscle tissue.\par
>In addition to these two high impact herbs, you will want to include these
>botanical supplements in your daily empowering regimen:\par
>Ginkgo biloba was proved in several studies to increase peripheral blood
>flow in normal men and even in those with arteriosclerosis. One study
>showed that approximately 200 mg. daily of Ginkgo had a positive effect on
>sexual function in 76 percent of the men.\par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Horsetail (Equisetum) is also useful if impotency is
>due to prostate enlargement. A healthy prostate is needed to package the
>semen and to create the biochemical and mechanical aspects needed for
>erectile function. In addition, horsetail is high in selenium, a nutrient
>lacking in older men.\par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Saw Palmetto works well for impotency by helping to
>maintain the prostate gland\rquote s proper hormone balance needed for
>optimal sexual function, again especially in older men. \par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Green oats and stinging nettle were found by Dr.
>Robert Frankt of Budapest University in Hungary to greatly increase sexual
>vitality in men\par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Yohimbe ( Coryanthe yohimbe) increases libido,
>shortens the latency period (elapse time) between ejaculations and
>enhances erectile function in diabetics who have neuropathy.\par
>\pard\nowidctlpar \par
> You should also develop healthy eating and living habits. \par
>Include good food, exercise and Vitamins C, E, Zinc and essential fatty
>acids to your diet\par
>{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Eat fresh fruits and vegetables which help maintain
>vascular integrity and sufficient blood flow to the penile tissues\par
>Eliminate excessive amounts of alcohol, nicotine and as many medications
>as possible.\par
>ED has created a multi-million dollar industry by men who have rushed to
>correct their problems with the pharmaceutical drug called Viagra
>(sildenafil citrate). Lovemaking is important, but some of the side
>affects of Viagra may not be very pleasant, ranging from headaches, facial
>flushing, green vision, stomachaches, muscle pain, diarrhea, dizziness and
>urinary tract infections. You should avoid if you have coronary disease,
>cardiovascular disease, are hypertensive, overweight or smoke (now
>there\rquote s a reason to give up cigarettes, eh). Viagra works by
>increasing the flow of blood to the penis to establish and maintain an
>erection. Such vascular activity could imperil men who have the
>afore-mentioned disorders.\par
>If your erection difficulties are more serious than those associated with
>normal aging, you may be suffering from some psychological or physical
>problem. Psychological factors like stress, fear, grief or problems with
>intimacy can bring down an erection. Physical things like substance use
>and abuse, vascular disease, diabetes and neurological disorders can
>prevent erections altogether. A good medical assessment will help to
>determine if your ED is psychologically or physically based or is a
>combination of the two.\par
>Frequency of lovemaking counts, even if you don\rquote t always have
>intercourse. It is important to keep that erectile tissue supple and
>responsive. Don\rquote t make \ldblquote coming\rdblquote a goal
>of lovemaking, expand your definition of sex, learn about new ways to
>share intimacy, become a more creative sex partner. And don\rquote t
>dwell on the negative, try to be with a partner who will nurture and not
>na and who will enjoy the pleasure of sexual exploration. \par
>Laurel Billingsley\par

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