740  Leaders and followers in tango


Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 23:44:44 +0000
From: Daisy Gardiner <tawny_port@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Leaders and followers in tango

Seems to me that, as individuals, we may get different things from the
tango, and maybe that explains why some women have no preference as to
whether they dance with a man or a woman, just so long as the leader leads
well, while others have a strong preference.

For me, I have to say, "Give me a good man." I'd have to agree with the
person who said that tango is not often sexual. Alas. But, sometimes it
is, and that's the best time. I'm not relaxed and comfortable in a woman's
arms. But, a man in close embrace, who leads well, dances the music, and
enters into the dance with me... well, sorry, Ladies, but none of you, no
matter how well you dance and lead, is going to share with me with that
unique feeling of intimacy and connection that I can get every so often
dancing tango with a man. It doesn't have to do with strength. It has to
do with the sensuality and the suggested sexuality between strangers. Maybe
I'm not in the majority, but that's a big part of why I dance the tango, why
I invest in classes, why I'm willing to go to milongas where I sit and watch
as much as I dance. I love the music. I love the movement. But, most of
all, I love that rare connection when it happens. And no, I've never taken
one of those lovely dancers home with me. The experience takes place on the
dance floor.


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