991  let's find a new name instead of this silly old milonguero style thing... and so on


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 10:02:52 +0100
From: "kiaikido kidojo.it" <kiaikido@KIDOJO.IT>
Subject: Re: let's find a new name instead of this silly old milonguero style thing... and so on

Dear Listeros,

During the first lesson of a beginner-class I start with: "I am teaching
social tango-dance, this means tecniques which you can dance in a ball-room
, called milonga, without hurting others and get hurt! If You like that, you
are in the right place and if you want to be a stage-dancer, you are in the
right place too, but you have to wait at least 2-3 years...!"

After that we start with simply walking holding each others at the shoulders
so the students can look at their feet without getting used to a bad
posturehabit when they "dance" - afterwards- really together (that is
already a wonderful training for dancing togehter without leaning on each
other!). After that I invite them to lean on each other (let's say
milonguero apilado) and again they encounter new sensations/problems.

Sometimes people lean on each other directly (in the front), sometimes they
take a "V"-position or they lean "heavily" or light or not at all.

I cannot and I don't want to force them (of course leaning on each other
make guiding and following more easy and - at least for me - more
interesting, more feeling), but the thing which I teach and insist to teach
is that they have to relate during all the dancing to each other (to the
middle of the body, to be correct), to the heart of the partner.
This is my idee for the definition of "milonguero style", then of course are
following all the divisions of .... here Astrid did already the work !

Patricia Muller/Italy

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