368  Melinda Bates


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 14:56:55 -0700
From: "Bruno E. Romero" <romerob@CADVISION.COM>
Subject: Melinda Bates

To start the new year I would like to thank those who enrich the tango list
with their postings from every part of this world. After a few months of
having joined this list I feel I am part of a tango family (on-line!)
Because of the lively and at not so lively exchange of ideas or opinions in
the realm of tango that take place on this discussion list I grew out a
better tango aficionado. My wishes for the new year from Calgary, Western
Canada is that we stayed connected even though if it is electronically.

Below is a posting from Melinda Bates which did not get posted on time.
Without her permission I am taking the liberty to post it here because as
much as I like Argentine Tango I find her message words echoes my feelings
towards this discussion list and the Argentine Tango Dance.

Happy New Year to all and look forward to your postings.


<Dear Friends on the List,
Astrid has written to us from a different year! What fun to hear from
friends around the world. I am grateful to the List and to all of you for
enriching my life. Your thoughts and feelings challenge me and instruct
Sometimes you make me laugh out loud, sometimes I sigh with delight at the
pictures you create for us of tangos danced a world away, music felt by
hearts I have not yet met, bodies moving with quiet elegance, or glorious
passion. How I wish I could dance with all of you!

Warm wishes to all for a new year filled with memorable partners and
memorable dances, wherever life takes you!

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