4496  Old Biddy?!


Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 14:25:02 -0300
From: Deby Novitz <dnovitz@lavidacondeby.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Old Biddy?!
To: tango-l@mit.edu


You think I am an old biddy? I have been called many things, but never
old biddy. Those of you guys on the list can easily attest to that. I
find that so darn humorous! You made my day! Ha! Ha! I can't stop
laughing!! That is really great! I love it!

Hmmm, I wonder what a Burleigh from the south of the U.S. looks like?
Pregnant stomach? Funky beard? Plaid shirts? Really darling, you
should never make assumptions about things you know nothing about....

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