1124  A plea for tango


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:45:53 EST
From: Charles Roques <Crrtango@AOL.COM>
Subject: A plea for tango


It is becoming tedious to find nothing but war talk on the tango list these
days. As if any of us here in the US, or anyplace else, have any power to
change what is happening. This is George Bush's war, not ours and many of us
here are just as much against it as everyone else in the world and even for
those who are for it, it is a waste of time to be complaining about it on a
Tango list where at the most, maybe 1000 to 1500 people "might" read it. Vent
your feelings on another forum where more people can read it if you really
have to say something. One of the reasons some of us dance tango is to forget
the idiocy and violence in the world that we have no power to control anyway.
Don't complain to us, complain to someone in government or someplace where it
makes a difference. When I was in art school in the sixties, I realized that
staying in the studio and trying to paint would in the long run contribute
more positive beauty and inspiration to life than ranting about a government
I disgreed with. Besides, one of the most vocal (or theatrical, depending on
how you saw it) and dissident voices of the sixties, Jerry Rubin, ended up on
Wall St. and now just seems like a hypocrite. So much for ranting and raving,
right? People in power will always control our lives, like it or not. Don't
dance to escape. Dance to show people there is more to life than this
insanity for money and power.

"Assassination Tango" opens this Friday in New York in several theatres. At
least we will have this diversion for a while.

Charles Roques

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