330  pre lead?


Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 01:31:31 -0800
From: clayton beach <akumushi@ONEBOX.COM>
Subject: pre lead?

I think the term pre-lead in some what ambiguous.
The image that it conjours up in my mind comes from dividing each movement
into two aspects; the lead's body position, and the impulse.
I guess you could say that the lead "pre-leads" movements in the way
he orients his body in relation to the follow's body.
Then, the "leading" would be the impulse that sends her in the direction
that he set up during the "pre-lead"
In reality, the lead and follow are in continuos communication. The
collection is an important point of interest, but not the only one.

If the lead for moves only occurred when the follow was collected, then
many of our interruptions (boleos, ganchos, sacadas etc.) would not be
The notion of the "pre-lead" insinuates that there is actually a point
where there is no lead. I would suggest that there is more to the dance
than a linear sequence of an invitation, the reaction, and then equilibrium.

Both partners should be in a constant state of communication, with many
of these cause/effect/equalization interactions happening during each
movement or step. The lead never stops leading, and the follow never
stops following. Action may subside to a very small amount of movement,
but the partners should always be in tune with each other. This is one
reason why I frown upon follows who believe that there are times that
they can "take over" the lead. This comes from an assumption that at
some point, the lead isn't doing anything, so she has time to change
things up.
Just because nothing overt is happening, does not mean the lead is not
giving input. It is dangerous for follows to assume that they know a
man's habits and patterns well enough to pull something over on him.
This is in direct opposition to the relaxed, clear minded following
that opens the door to tango nirvana.
Clayton Beach

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