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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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4451  Womens studies (1)
Joanne, I started dancing tango in the summer of 99. I continue to study at every opportunity in workshops and privates. I will confess, that for the last 2 or 3 years, I've participated in workshops/classes...

4452  Women endlessly studying tango (2)
astrid schrieb: OK, beside being lazy and forgetting what they learn, the bad guys refuse to recognize the high level of those ladies who catch every possible class and teacher in town. They prefer...

4453  Women stop studying, and the Tango Paradox (2)
The recent thread by Ron Weigel and Tom Stermitz, as to the varied reasons why women stop studying (Astrid, your nirvana-for-leaders community is a rare exception)is the prologue to what I call the...

4454  after TangoJoven Festival (1)
I would like to thank everyone who supported this event in several ways. Our great teachers, DJs, surprise guests, and of course festival attendees. No doubt this event put Chicago back on the Tango...

4455  learning and advancing (2)
In Cleveland it seems that the experienced dancers do not want to dance with the new people and help them advance. It's true dancing with beginners does keep one from advancing and holds you back....

4456  Sense of dance (2)
Sense of dance. Sense of dance ! This is most important thing for dancing. What it is? I am not competent to answer that. I only know that it means experience joy of dance, joy of movement with music,...

4457  Women and Classes (32)
I can look at this from two vantage points: First as one who has been there, and Second, as one who is now teaching. (sort of) I started tango I think in 99, maybe 98. It was the first dance that did... And sometimes,...

4458  Please unsubscribe me (1)
Unsubscribe me. Thank you Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit to sign up today!

4459  Tango Teachers in Munich & Berlin (1)
An actor friend is going to Munich & Berlin to make be in a tango TV film. He is a beginner and would like to know of any teachers in Munich & Berlin from whom he'd be able to have some coaching....

4460  Level of dancing in Buenos Aires milongas (8)
Tom Stermitz wrote: For example, in Buenos Aires this year I felt there were more good men than good women. But, in general the level in BA has dropped dramatically from 10 or 5 years ago, even in the... Caroline Polack wrote:

4461  Truthiness and Style "Fights" (1)
On Jul 6, 2006, at 10:53 AM, astrid wrote: TRUTHINESS. We have a new word in English. It describes the degradation of the public political discourse in which extreme right-wing voices are advocating...

4462  Any List members in Sweden... (1)
I know this is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if you're from one of the many tango communities in Sweden and a member of this list, maybe you know this person. I met this lovely...

4463  Dance quality in Buenos Aires (2)
On my first trip here in 2000 I was in awe. To me everyone knew how to dance, everyone knew the music. Now I know that is not true. As my own dancing progressed and changed, so did the partners...

4464  Photos of Milongas in Buenos Aires (1)
We have posted on our website photos of milongas in Buenos Aires from our trip there in May: Ron & Susana Urbana, IL

4465  Mora Godoy in Playboy! (1)
Hahaha, a tango dancer featured in Playboy, this must be a first!!! Mora Godoy graces the cover of July Playboy Argentina, along with interviews...

4466  A chair and a naked woman .... (4)
That would be Christine "Keeler", and you can see that particular photo here... I thought it was more of a bob fosse nod, with the hat and all. >

4467  shame on you (3)
aging naked body....!!!???? you obviously don't know Junior , nor have you seen him up close!!! you took a cheap, pot shot at one of the most talented, kind and generous tango dancers on the scene....

4468  A woman in the chair (5)
The picture of Mora in the chair was part of the publicity when her very successful musical "Tanguera" was released in Buenos Aires. Please visit The musical has toured the whole...

4469  Drop in Tango Classes in Seattle July & August 2006 (1)
Argentine Tango in Seattle: With Talented instructors (Mario Consiglieri and Anabella Diaz-Hojman) direct from Buenos Aires: these intesive training series promisses to improve your dance. Intermediate...

4470  a woman in a chair (1)
Hi Sergio Vandekier This is not a big deal, I mean the publishing of a naked Mora Godoy on a chair , for Play Boy cover, local edition of Buenos Aires. The Tanguera show has been presented in Buenos...

4471  Playboy redux (9)
I believe most women find it pretty much flattering to be featured on a I hate to say this, but only a man would write that a woman would find it flattering to be on the cover of Playboy. I don't know...

4472  nakedness (3)
perhaps we should add nudity to the list of things we should not discuss among "friends" with religion and politics. instead, tell me how or if the photo in question relates to tango. i suspect ms....

4473  The Girl in the chair - another picture - Fileteado (2)
As publicity for the tango musical "Tanguera" Mora had several naked pictures that became well known. Please visit the following page:

4474  A girl in the chair (1)
Alberto Gesualdi says: "Sergio This production of photos for Mora Godoy in Playboy is made by the local people of playboy, you are missing concepts from tanguera posters and this production. Tanguera...

4475  Interview to Mora Godoy (6)
Dear listeros/as This is part of an interview published by a local magazine , Noticias, on july 12th, 2006, is interesting because finally we can hear something about tango . The translation was...

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