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Tango List Library    5851 threads, updated 3-5-2015

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1701  Overcoming Patternitis (3)
In some of the recent discussion, we have examined issues related to patternitis. What is patternitis? Dancing tango through the rote use of patterns taught in videos or by instructors--such as the...

1702  Gotan Project playing in Starbucks (6)
Sitting in Starbucks today, I heard the familiar sound of a bandoneon. I asked the barista to lookup the artist information on their CD player, and he informed me that it was "Queremos Paz" by the...

1703  Absurdities I heard today (6)
# 1 absurdity ____My favorite one is "Don't move your hips." I think virtually ALL argentine teachers use this admonition, yet if you watch them on the dance floor every single one of them is moving

1704  Patternitis, Woodenitis, and other itises found in tango (3)
A preliminary and incomplete list Patternitis--dancing tango by rotely reproducing patterns Backwarditis--insisting on taking steps against the line of dance Stageitis--dancing in a way that is only...

1705  Boleos and the follower's lower back (3)
Sergio said: Then Tom said: ...he is describing a particular form where the body does not is wicked fast...My personal preference is boleos where the body spirals and the supporting foot pivots...

1706  Leading from where? (5)
Leading from where? From the center. But from the center of what???? This is the crux of the miscommunication and apparent disagreements in this thread IMO. Fearlessly disputing the experience of decades...

1707  Absurdities, hands, chest, body, axis (4)
When we discuss lead, frame, axis, dancing characteristics we should specify what style of tango we are talking about. It seems to me that we are all right with respect to our own experiences but we...

1708  Body Center, axis, posture. (1)
J. Rabe explained what I was thinking about leading from the center very nicely. Petra described how Pilates taught her that "moving from your center" tends to ground the movement. This is EXACTLY what...

Bill, your are completely wrong. You have been very bad informed or ill-intentioned. Please, try at Best regards. Julio Dear Friends: I was notified by an...

1710  [warning: LONG RANT] Hips, Center, and Core muscles (2)
is Charles, I don't mean this personally at all. Your statement was just the final straw of years spent listening to good dancers and helpful teachers repeat the passed on nonsense that social...

1711  Hands, shest, body, axis, legs, styles (3)
John said: "And all the while I have been dancing Tango I was under the impression that my style (#2 below) was known as "Salon/ open embrace" and #1 below was known as "Milonguero/ Appillado/Close Embrace"!

1712  Hips writing (1)
"... hips are up and down in opposition to weight. No?" Ummm ... there's a good one for ya. Hit that send button a little too soon ...

1713  Hip movement (4)
Judging from the responses about hips moving, I should clarify. Of course our hips move when we walk but I was referring to a side to side sway. Hips don't have to move up and down nor move from one...

1714  It's Argentine Tango, Stupid!! (4)
The article is "It's Argentine Tango, Stupid!!") I read the note an found it very interesting. Michael had a brilliant idea when he decided to write about Argentine tango in the USABDA magazine. I...

1715  USABDA Article (2)
Michael, could you provide a link to your article? Or perhaps reprint it on the list? I checked out the USABDA webpage but couldn't find the magazine. J

1716  Navel Leading Edge Technology- Belly Button Lead (3)
Hi Listeros: The first consideration that must be made is, "Inny vs. Outty"! Ladies with "outty" navels must of course require a simple surgical operation to facilitate qualification in this Nuevo Tango...

1717  Redundancy Apology (6)
Please Listeros forgive me for the electronic duplication of my post concerning "belly button lead". I cannot fathom how it occurred! Arturo

1718  Fwd: Virus Detected! Delete it ASAP! (3)
--part1_77.1726b483.2c710562_boundary Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --part1_77.1726b483.2c710562_boundary Content-Disposition: inline Received: from ( [])...

1719  Where is the man's right nipple? (1)
I think it was Sergio who said: If I found a man's right nipple on my chest bone after a tanda, I'd scream. The man's right nipple should stay on the right side of his chest. if the man is still attached...

1720  Of puppets, and things (was "Hips, Center, and Core") (2)
Jonathan wrote, among other things: "...Now the mind can summarize and use a concept of a point as a short hand for mobilizing a group of muscles. That concept is used by the brain to cause actual hunks...

1721  Notes from Buenos Aires 21 (2)
Trucho (Part 1 of 2) We went to Cordoba and Iguazu Falls last week. Cordoba is Argentina's second city. It sits in the middle of the Pampas, and for me it has the feel of a prosperous mid-continent U.S....

1722  Notes from Buenos Aires 22 (1)
Trucho (Part 2 of 2) So I was laying in the hotel room, working myself into a bad mood. Alejandra spends a good part of her time trying to keep me entertained so this doesn't happen, but she was having...

1723  Milonguero, simplicity? (1)
Robert Says: simple and very limited. This is an often repeated misconception about milonguero. Anyone who has spent time in Buenos Aires watching the older dancers of this style knows this." I agree...

1724  Notes from Buenos Aires 23 (1)
Notes, corrections: I know what's about to happen. My friend Huck is going to jump on me again for the bad grammar and typos. Sorry, Huck. I really do have a high school degree. It's not that I don't...

1725  Notes from Buenos Aires 24 (1)
(Part 2, continued from #23) I've been in a bit of a tango slump since Iguazu, but I was having a great time with Carlitos, and El Gallego. Every so often I just go off, and this time I blamed it on...

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