1611  Tango Basics and Beyond


Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:35:12 -0700
From: Tango Guy <tangomundo55@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Tango Basics and Beyond

It seems that a lot of people on this website are really stuck in the basics. As important as basics are, there is a lot more in this world then basics. Just ask any great dancer. S/he got great by thoroughly learning the basics. Then going beyond the basics not by getting stuck doing nothing but basics.
People, who cannot go beyond basics have a problem. They are repeating kindergarten over and over and over again. When they should be in grade school, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be in high school, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be in college, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be adults, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be middle-agers, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be retired, they are still in kindergarten. When they should be dead... Well you know the rest! When does it ever end? It all seems rather infantile if you ask me.

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