706  Tango equals chivalry?


Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 00:48:07 -0400
From: Manuel Patino <white95r@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Tango equals chivalry?

Wow, opining in this list can sure get sticky. I think that Sergio says that
one cannot be a real man unless one takes care of all women. He also writes
that I will in no way take care of a woman! I do not think that being a real
anything has anything to do with tango, chivalry, machismo or anything else.
I like to think I'm a caring person, but I certainly do not think about
taking care of women all the time. I'm of the opinion that one should take
care of one's family, friends, community, country, and the world in that
order. I take care of my family (which includes a number of women), I also
keep the welfare of my friends high on my list (yes Sergio, I also have
women friends). After that I do my part to care for the rest of the world in
the order I described.

I like tango, I think that tango has certain codes and customs which should
be kept. I also believe in treating people with dignity and respect. This is
true in tango as in any other facet of life. Now, I do not assume the role
of universal protector. Frankly, I think if I presume to become the care
taker of every woman I danced with or came in contact with, I might get in
serious trouble with their men! Many women in tango (and everywhere else)
have significant others who would like to think of themselves as their "care
takers". I for one would not care for Sergio or any other guy to start
"taking care of" my wife. Likewise, I'll respect other relationships. I
think a "real man" knows his place and keeps it in tango or otherwise.

Posturing and pontificating do not make a man "real". I accept people I have
reason to believe are real, as being quite real. It does not matter how good
or bad they are or how they behave. Tango is a dance, a music genre and even
(arguably perhaps) a way of life. I do not believe that only chivalrous men
are real nor do I believe that most good male dancers are uncaring. Some are
very nice and some are despicable. Same is true for women dancers. Good
dancing does not necessarily make for a bad person no more than poor dancers
are automatically "good" or "real" people. I know scores of great dancers
who are also fine people. I also know many non-dancers who are fine people.
IMHO, tango has nothing to do with the quality of each person who dances or
likes tango.



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