1560  Tango and Folklore


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 13:22:43 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Tango and Folklore

Dear friends from the Tango list
I have been thinking about posting some references of folklore dancing in Buenos Aires . The places I have in mind ,are "peqas" , places where people gathered to listen folklore music , and dance . I think I will made some comments in this site , and post the specific references of "peqas" at the tango-a website .
You may ask , what does folklore have to do with tango ??
A good question , really a good question. Who could take us to an unending exchange of opinions , that are also mae here in Buenos Aires, not so open as in a tango list.

Many good local dancers/teachers of Tango Argentino came from folklore. I can recall Carlos Rivarola, that used to be with El Chucaro and Norma Viola. Also Los Ocampo , being Mr Ocampo 1st dancer of the ballet El Chucaro .

In some milongas in Buenos Aires is common to introduce a tanda of chacarera, to close the night / to have the curtain down. And is noticeable how all people present , enjoy this dancing.

My tango teacher cames from a province of Argentina called Chaco. His life there was working a land with his family, and they have folklore present into his everyday life . Marriages, births, birthdays and other evens were celebrated with dancing folklore music. And also tangos and milongas. They kept listening radios like Rivadavia that had/has a powerful wave, so tangos were also being danced.

Coming to Buenos Aires in the 604s to study at the university , Ruben my teacher noticed the folklore gathering places that were already opened, and how tango little by little regain their presence at milongas dancing places . This comment will make some old milongueros that it this it not true, that folklore and tango never were together in the same place. To make just a comment , Almagro, one of unforgetable milongas of Buenos Aires, was held at a place , where also people of folklore have their music. When you entered into Almagro in the 704s, first you have to cross a basquet court with folklore , and then you as able to reach the tango place . I am curious sometimes, that when local milongueros and tangueros mentioned Almagro, there is always a kind of blindness concerning this folklore presence.

Having say this, I can say only that "peqas" are a place to have a look, if you are visiting Buenos Aires. Sometimes they play some tangos , but I will lie If i say that you will have a lot of it. Prices are cheap, food is good, maybe is a bit more disordered but humanly . I will post some assorted places at tango-a separately

Warm regards
Alberto gesualdi

Usuario: yahoo; contraseqa: yahoo
Desde Buenos Aires: 4004-1010
Mas ciudades: clic aqum.

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