198  Thank You Denver Tangueros!


Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:59:01 EDT
From: Sally Moon <ATangoMoon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Thank You Denver Tangueros!

Sorry about the delay in getting this out, there were some formating
problems. I originally sent it out on Tuesday. Better late than never! ;-)

Hola Denver Tangueros!
Wow! What an event! It was soooo much fun! I danced until my toes said "No
more! " I THANK YOU ALL who worked so hard to have such a FANTASTIC EVENT! At
least 150 people from around the country, then over 100 from Colorado! We had
to learn to dance the real Buenos Aires style! ;-) Special thank you toTom
Stermitz for organizing and getting so many of us excited enough to come
hundreds of miles to be there. Special thanks to Tango Colorado for a lovely
Milonga in the park, with bar-b-que too! Thank you for having two dance
floors! And your arranging perfect weather and a full moon was a special
added touch! ;-)

The Tango classes lead by visiting Tango teachers and locals were
great! I attended the ones at the Mercury Cafe, and I heard the other one held
at the Latin Dance FX was great too! It really made a difference on
Saturday night's Milonga, we were all going in the line of dance! ;-) The
by the Tango Camerata under the direction of Daniel Diaz on bandoneon
was absolutely beautiful. Thank you, Dan Diaz, Pablo Aslan on double bass
Maurizio Najt on piano Christine Brebes on violin and I can't forget
the sentimental voice of Roberto Forte. Roberto, thanks for the "hot"
dances! ;-) He not only can sing, but can dance too! ;-) Thank you to the
"visiting DJ's"! You kept us dancing in between sets!

Thank you Pablo Aslan for the Musicality workshop on Sunday. Wow! What
an education, it was fascinating. From now on, I will always hear "El
Choclo" with different ears.

Thank you Marilyn, owner of the Mercury Cafe, for providing such a wonder
space to hold the Milongas in such Buenos Aires tradition, the red roses on
the tables were a special added touch.

Special thanks to Madhav for his hospitality, he put 7 of us up! Thank you to
all the others that provided a place for other visitors could stay. And to
Tango Colorado for coordinating all of it.

Thank you for all for the wonderful dances!

I hope I haven't missed anyone, I am still "riding high" from this
wonderful Labor Day Weekend in Denver!

Dance the Dance of Life with Passion! Tango!

Sally Moon
& Jose Reynaldo

Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 00:43:23 -0500
From: Lois Donnay <donnay@DONNAY.NET>
Subject: Re: Thank You Denver Tangueros!

One more special thank you should go to Margaret Spore, who performed her
one-woman show "Tales from Tangoland" for us at the Mercury Saturday
evening. If you ever get a chance to see this show, don't miss it!

Lois Donnay

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:35:00 -0700
From: sarah La Rocca <danzisima@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: thank you

I want to thank everyone who attended the NYC All
Night Milonga this past weekend, especially those
dancers from outside of NYC. Tangueros from the
Washington DC area, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and New
Jersey were in attendance, plus our own New Yorkers of
course. It was a great crowd (107 people) full of
energy and dancing until 5am.

Our DJ Robin Thomas kept us on our toes all night with
his usual wonderful balanced mixed of music. Thanks
Robin! Your the best!

The All Night Milonga returns July 13th. I look
forward to seeing you all again. Jai, I promise there
will be cheese at the next one.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm.

Sarah La Rocca

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