739  There are many ways to skin a cat


Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:11:26 -0500
From: Bibi Wong <bibibwong@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: There are many ways to skin a cat

Dear Ms. Llona and other list members,

First I am actually on the *same side* as Ms. Llona's general principle "I'd
(= female) rather dance with a good leader (I define good leader as "easy
for me to follow" and "polite") regardless of gender.

The comment "The other problem is that they (= female leads) invite to dance
the good (= female follower) dancers that we (= male) like for dancing." was
a quote from another male list member, not from me.

If one reads my message, I am concurring to Llona's statement "Perhaps the
solution would be for (the male leader) to become a better dancer rather
than try to stop (female) from leading?"

I realized many messages were posted since my original message, one of the
replies considered me digressing from the subject.

The common subject here in a global sense is that the ladies are complaining
being bored sitting / standing at classes and milonga.

I just wish to clarify once last time before I dive into my hyenas from
tango-L, that is

1. I would like to see more men joining tango dancing in classes, practica
or milonga, AND that they continue to excel. I am delighted to see
suggestions posted by Tom and Steve.

2. But if item 1 above cannot be achieved efficiently, I merely ask the
community to be open minded about the idea of female learning to lead, as
one of the solutions to alleviate the pain by the bored female followers.

Once the female try to learn the lead parts, they will be more sensitive to
the difficulties males are confronting; the female would appreciate the male
even more. I can atest to this theory.

I am not forcing the ladies to learn the lead, I am not forcing the
lady-followers to dance with lady-leaders. Just treat my pledge as a
potential solution rather than shooting the idea down and personally
ridiculing those who try it.

Sometimes intention of a discussion thread could be misunderstood after a
several rounds of quotations, and I apologize if my english is not good
enough to convey the bigger picture more clearer.

Happy tango and see you all later,


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